Published articles:

9) Pseudo S-spectra of special operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces, (with Kousik Dhara)  Linear Algebra Appl. vol 656, 345--367 (2023).  Article.pdf 

8) A Radon-Nikodym theorem for local completely positive multilinear invariant maps (with Anindya Ghatak)  Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2022).  Article.pdf 

7) Stinespring’s theorem for unbounded operator valued local completely positive maps and its applications (with B.V. Rajarama Bhat and Anindya Ghatak), Indagationes Mathematicae, vol 32, 547-578 (2021).  Article.pdf 

6) Strongly irreducible factorization of Quaternionic operators and Riesz decomposition theoremBanach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, vol 15 (2021).  Article.pdf 

5)  Spectral theorem for quaternionic normal operators: Multiplication form (with G. Ramesh). Bull.  Sci. Math. vol 159 (2020), 102840. Article.pdf 

4) A note on convexity of sections of quaternionic numerical range. Linear Algebra Appl. vol 572, 92-116 (2019). Article.pdf 

3) Spectral theorem for quaternionic compact normal operators (with G. Ramesh).  J. Anal. vol 25 (2017), no.1, 65-81. 

2) Borel functional calculus for quaternionic normal operators (with G. Ramesh).  J. Math. Phys. vol 58 (2017), no.5, 053501, 16 pp. 

1) On the polar decomposition of right linear operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces (with G. Ramesh).  J. Math. Phys. vol 57 (2016), no.4, 043502, 16 pp. Article.pdf 

