
Chapter Operations

The Scout executive may decide to operate by using chapters. Typically, when this decision is made, there is one chapter created in each district of the council. Each chapter would then have its own officers and advisers, the officers being elected by the youth OA members within the chapter, and the advisers being appointed by the Scout executive often with the consultation of the lodge adviser and district executive(s).

Some advantages to operating by chapters are:

  • There are more leadership opportunities for youth members in a council where the lodge is subdivided into chapters, and more opportunities for adults as well.
  • Meetings can be scheduled in locations closer to home for the majority of members, decreasing travel time and (hopefully) increasing meeting attendance.
  • Meetings and events can be scheduled to coincide with district roundtables and other district events as a way to increase and encourage attendance. Unit leaders can help provide transportation for the youth membership.
  • Unit visits for camping promotion, unit elections and other purposes are more convenient and easier to schedule, manage and complete.
  • The opportunities to serve, and to be seen by others when setting the example of service, are often greater in a lodge that operates with chapters.