Past Mentorships

Mentoring undergraduate and high school students has been an active and enjoyable part of my mathematical life. I ran small, informal reading groups through Georgia Tech's Directed Reading Program, and served as a mentor in a research project during a summer REU.

Research Projects

Research Cluster at Georgia Tech, Summer 2018

The Directed Reading Program

For undergraduates that want to explore math outside of the traditional course structure, Georgia Tech runs a reading program that pairs undergraduate students with graduate students to study a particular subject or topic. You can find more information about the program here.

During my time as a mentor in this program, I worked together with a number of students to explore some math they might not see in their coursework. Generally, our goals were simple: have fun, learn something new, and see some beautiful mathematics. I am extraordinarily proud of everyone I have had a chance to serve as a mentor; you can find the students I worked with and the topics we discussed below. (Take a look at the work they are doing now! Most of them have since graduated they all continue to do wonderful things.)