Earlier Forum Sessions

Earlier Sessions

April 18-22, 2016

Associated publication: Formation, Evolution, and Dynamics of Young Solar Systems, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, M. E. Pessah & O. Gressel, (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-60609-5, Format: book, hardcover, 2018, 445 pages

The workshop's inter-disciplinary scope aims at bridging various communities: 1) cosmochemists, who study meteoritic samples from our own solar system, 2) (sub-) millimetre astronomers, who measure the distribution of dust and gas of star-forming regions and planet- forming discs and their physics (density, temperature, kinematics) and chemistry, 3) disc modellers, who describe the complex photo-chemical structure of parametric static discs to fit these to observation, 4) computational astrophysicists, who attempt to decipher the dynamical structure of magnetised gaseous discs, and the effects the resulting internal structure has on the aerodynamic re-distribution of embedded solids, 5) theoreticians in planet formation theory, who aim to piece it all together eventually arriving at a coherent holistic picture of the architectures of planetary systems discovered by 6) the exoplanet observers, who provide us with unprecedented samples of exoplanet worlds. Combining these diverse fields will allow us to shed light onto the riddles that we are currently confronted with, and will pave the way for a comprehensive understanding of the formation, evolution, and dynamics of young solar systems.

Scientific Advisory Committee:

Phil Armitage (Colorado, USA), Andrew Collier Cameron (St Andrews, UK), Barbara Ercolano (LMU, Germany), Eric B. Ford (Penn State, USA), Anders Johansen (Lund, Sweden), Sasha Krot (Hawaii, USA), Michael Meyer (ETH, Switzerland), Richard Nelson (Queen Mary, UK), Ralph Pudritz (McMaster, Canada), Hilke Schlichting (MIT, USA), Jonathan Williams (Hawaii, USA)

Organization Committee:

Martin Bizzarro (Chosmochemistry), Lars Buchhave (Observations - Exoplanets), Oliver Gressel (Computational Astrophysics - Planet Formation - co-chair), Troels Haugbølle (Computational Astrophysics - Star Formation), Jes Jørgensen (Observations - Star Formation), Paolo Padoan (Computational Astrophysics - Turbulence), Martin Pessah (Theoretical Astrophysics - Accretion Disks, co-chair)