Untold Truth of Kumari Kandam and Its Secret

Untold Truth of Kumari Kandam and Its Secret. Untold Truth of Kumari Kandam. Untold Secret of Kumari Kandam. The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam. Kumari Knadam secrets and mystery. Kumari Kandam exist . Kumari Kandam is real or fake. Kumari Kandam is true or not Uknown facts about Kumari Kandam. Kumari kandam has been found underwater.Kumari Kandam the lost continent . Kumari kandam and Atlantis history. Kumari Kandam the sunken City. Kumari Kandam (Tamil: குமரிக்கண்டம்) refers to a mythical lost continent with an ancient Tamil civilization, located south of present-day India, in the Indian Ocean. Alternative names and spellings include Kumarikkantam and Kumari Nadu. Lemuria truth and secret found.

In the 19th century, a section of the European and American scholars speculated the existence of a submerged continent called Lemuria, to explain geological and other similarities between Africa, India and Madagascar. A section of Tamil revivalists adapted this theory, connecting it to the Pandyan legends of lands lost to the ocean, as described in ancient Tamil and Sanskrit literature. According to these writers, an ancient Tamil civilization existed on Lemuria, before it was lost to the sea in a catastrophe. In the 20th century, the Tamil writers started using the name "Kumari Kandam" to describe this submerged continent. Although the Lemuria theory was later rendered obsolete by the continental drift (plate tectonics) theory, the concept remained popular among the Tamil revivalists of the 20th century. According to them, Kumari Kandam was the place where the first two Tamil literary academies (sangams) were organized during the Pandyan reign. They claimed Kumari Kandam as the cradle of civilization to prove the antiquity of Tamil language and culture.

Do you know Kumari Kandam existed millions of years ago. Even before Mahbaratham and Ramayanam. The Map of Kumari Kandam is wrong, which are seen online everywhere. Here is the new Image how it looks actually, Before millions of years ago. Kumari Kandam was said to be wiped out by giant Tsunami's. But it is not fully true. A Giant Asteroid like thig wiped out most of Kumari Kandam. May be it can be a Huge weapon which is exactly like happened on Mars. Earths first human species was formed and evolved from Kumari Kandam. Refugees of Kumari Kandam moved to other part of the world to create their own language and cultures.

Do you know still many part of African Tribal speaks Very old Irregular Grammar Tamil and Also spoken in Israel and Iran. According to our research and theories, Kumari Kandam Co-Excited with Aliens. It can be seen in many of Tamil Temple in south India and Sri-Lanka. While Kumari Kandam Existed before, There were many other biggest Land masses, Like Lemuria and Atlantis. The land moves, thats what the modern scientist says, But actually land never moves, lands get submerged by the sea water, when sea level rises. So the Drift theory is wrong. and Kumari Kandam had Existed. Tamil was the only language spoken in Kumari Kandam. So basically its the mother of all languages on Earth.

Along with Kumari Kandam, There where many other Big continents. And the Oceans were so small, not bigger like we see now in 2017. There were huge Mountains,Hills taller than Mount Everest, River larger than Amazon, Modern Stone Buildings, and huge sculptures. War was their main purpose of living on that time. Kumari Kandam are the Dravidian people, Now known as Tamil people said to be living across the Planet Earth. They have traveled to other planets, like Mars, Venus and other solar systems too in spaceships with Aliens. But lack evidence this day modern scientist and countries hide and rejects the Kumari Kandam theory and the truth. As western countries think their language and cultures are the oldest.

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