Sanonda Datta Gupta 

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About Me! 😊                  

"In a healthy workplace, every person has a sense of respect, pride, and joy in their work and feels that their contributions matter." — Janet Pogue McLaurin 

I'm a Ph.D. student at Drexel University in College of Computing and Informatics (CCI), specializing in the following themes within HCI: Privacy, Trust, and Ethics. My research includes semi-structured interviews, surveys, and NLP to explore these above-mentioned themes. 

Before Drexel, I earned my M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Maine. There my research focused on various aspects of privacy in the digital domain, including usable privacy, non-compliance analysis, privacy risk assessment, and sensitive information flow analysis

I have experience in mixed-method analysis, conceptual modeling, usability studies, static analysis, and ontological modeling. My diverse skill set enables me to identify and address complex challenges centered around privacy, trust, and ethics issues in the digital domain.

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