Selected Talks


Gerrymandering Planar graphs

Gerrymandering Planar Graphs

We study the computational complexity of the map redistricting problem (gerrymandering). Mathematically, the electoral district designer (gerrymanderer) attempts to partition a weighted graph into 𝑘 connected components (districts) such that its candidate (party) wins as many districts as possible. Prior work has princi- pally concerned the special cases where the graph is a path or a tree. Our focus concerns the realistic case where the graph is planar. We prove that the gerrymandering problem is solvable in polyno- mial time in 𝜆-outerplanar graphs, when the number of candidates and 𝜆 are constants and the vertex weights (voting weights) are polynomially bounded. In contrast, the problem is NP-complete in general planar graphs even with just two candidates. This moti- vates the study of approximation algorithms for gerrymandering planar graphs. However, when the number of candidates is large, we prove it is hard to distinguish between instances where the gerrymanderer cannot win a single district and instances where the gerrymanderer can win at least one district. This immediately implies that the redistricting problem is inapproximable in polyno- mial time in planar graphs, unless P=NP. This conclusion appears

terminal for the design of good approximation algorithms – but it is not. The inapproximability bound can be circumvented as it only applies when the maximum number of districts the gerrymanderer can win is extremely small, say one. Indeed, for a fixed number of candidates, our main result is that there is a constant factor ap- proximation algorithm for redistricting unweighted planar graphs, provided the optimal value is a large enough constant.



The practice of partitioning a region into areas to favor a particular candidate or a party in an election has been known to exist for the last two centuries. This practice is commonly known as gerrymandering. Recently, the problem has also attracted a lot of attention from complexity theory perspective. In particular, Cohen-Zemach et al. [AAMAS 2018] proposed a graph theoretic version of gerrymandering problem and initiated an algorithmic study around this, which was continued by Ito et al. [AAMAS 2019]. In this paper we continue this line of investigation and resolve an open problem in the literature, as well as move the algorithmic frontier forward by studying this problem in the realm of parameterized complexity.

Our contributions in this article are two-fold, conceptual and computational. We first resolve the open question posed by Ito et al. [AAMAS 2019] about the computational complexity of gerryman- dering when the input graph is a path. Next, we propose a generalization of the model studied in [AAMAS 2019], where the input consists of a graph on n vertices representing the set of voters, a set of m candidates C, a weight function wv : C → Z+ for each voter v ∈ V (G) representing the preference of the voter over the candidates, a distinguished candidate p ∈ C, and a positive integer k. The objective is to decide if it is possible to partition the vertex set into k districts (i.e., pair- wise disjoint connected sets) such that the candidate p wins more districts than any other candidate. There are several natural parameters associated with the problem: the number of districts the vertex set needs to be partitioned (k), the number of voters (n), and the number of candidates (m). The problem is known to be NP-complete even if k = 2, m = 2, and G is either a complete bipartite graph (in fact K2,n, a complete bipartite graphs with one side of size 2 and the other of size n) or a complete graph. This hardness result implies that we cannot hope to have an algorithm with running time (n + m)^{f(k,m)} let alone f(k,m)(n + m)^{O(1)}, where f is a function depending only on k and m, as this would imply that P=NP. This means that in search for FPT algorithms we need to either focus on the parameter n, or subclasses of forest (as the problem is NP-complete on K2,n, a family of graphs that can be transformed into a forest by deleting one vertex). Circumventing these intractable results, we successfully obtain the following algorithmic results.


In the Stable Marriage problem, when the preference lists are complete, all agents of the smaller side can be matched. However, this need not be true when preference lists are incomplete. In most real-life situations, where agents participate in the matching market voluntarily and submit their preferences, it is natural to assume that each agent wants to be matched to someone in his/her preference list as opposed to being unmatched. In light of the Rural Hospital Theorem, we have to relax the “no blocking pair” condition for stable matchings in order to match more agents. In this paper, we study the question of matching more agents with fewest possible blocking edges. In particular, the goal is to find a matching whose size exceeds that of a stable matching in the graph by at least t and has at most k blocking edges. We study this question in the realm of parameterized complexity with respect to several natural parameters, k, t, d, where d is the maximum length of a preference list. Unfortunately, the problem remains intractable even for the combined parameter k + t + d. Thus, we extend our study to the local search variant of this problem, in which we search for a matching that not only fulfills each of the above conditions but is “closest”, in terms of its symmetric difference to the given stable matching, and obtain an FPT algorithm.

In computational social choice, shift bribery is the procedure of paying voters to shift the briber’s preferred candidate forward in their preferences so as to make this candidate an election winner; the more general swap bribery procedure also allows one to pay voters to swap other candidates in their preferences. The complexity of swap and shift bribery is well-understood for many voting rules; typically, finding a minimum-cost bribery is computationally hard. In this paper we initiate the study of swap and shift bribery in the setting where voters’ preferences are known to be single-peaked or single-crossing. We obtain polynomial-time algorithms for several variants of these problems for classic voting rules, such as Plurality, Borda and Condorcet-consistent rules.



Parameterized Algorithms and Kernels for Rainbow Matching

Algirithmica, 2019, Algorithmica 2019, MFCS 2017 (Aalborg, Denmark)


Prepared for the workshop  Paramaeterized Algorithms 101 @IISER Pune March 2019

Parameterized Algortihm in Computational Social Choice



A knockout tournament is a standard format of competition, ubiquitous in sports, elections and de- cision making. Such a competition consists of sev- eral rounds. In each round, all players that have not yet been eliminated are paired up into matches. Losers are eliminated, and winners are raised to the next round, until only one winner exists. Given that we can correctly predict the outcome of each potential match (modelled by a tournament D), a seeding of the tournament deterministically deter- mines its winner. Having a favorite player v in mind, the Tournament Fixing Problem (TFP) asks whether there exists a seeding that makes v the win- ner. Aziz et al. [AAAI’14] showed that TFP is NP- hard. They initiated the study of the parameterized complexity of TFP with respect to the feedback arc set number k of D, and gave an XP-algorithm (which is highly inefficient). Recently, Ramanujan and Szeider [AAAI’17] showed that TFP admits an FPT algorithm, running in time 2^{O(k^2 log k)}n^{O(1)}. At the heart of this algorithm is a translation of TFP into an algebraic system of equations, solved in a black box fashion (by an ILP solver). We present a fresh, purely combinatorial greedy so- lution. We rely on new insights into TFP itself, which also results in the better running time bound of 2O(k log k)nO(1). While our analysis is intricate, the algorithm itself is surprisingly simple.


In a tournament, n players enter the competition. In each round, they are paired-up to compete against each other. Losers are thrown, while winners proceed to the next round, until only one player (the winner) is left. Given a prediction of the outcome, for every pair of players, of a match between them (modeled by a digraph D), the competitive nature of a tournament makes it attractive for manipula- tors. In the Tournament Fixing (TF) problem, the goal is to decide if we can conduct the competition (by controlling how players are paired-up) so that our favorite player w wins. A common form of ma- nipulation is to bribe players to alter the outcome of matches. Kim and Williams [IJCAI 2015] inte- grated such deceit into TF, and showed that the re- sulting problem is NP-hard when l < (1 − ε) log n alterations are possible (for any fixed ε > 0). For this problem, our contribution is fourfold. First, we present two operations that “obfuscate deceit”: given one solution, they produce another solution. Second, we present a combinatorial result, stating that there is always a solution with all reversals in- cident to w and “elite players”. Third, we give a closed formula for the case where D is a DAG. Finally, we present exact exponential-time and paameterized algorithms for the general case.



In varied real-life situations, ranging from carpooling to workload delegation, several activities are to be performed, to which end each activity should be assigned to a group of agents. These situations are captured by the Group Activity Selection Problem (GASP). Notably, relevant relations among agents, such as acquaintanceship or physical distance, can often be modeled naturally using graphs. To exploit this modeling ability, Igarashi, Peters and Elkind [AAAI 17] introduced gGASP. Specifically, it is required that each group would correspond to a connected set of the underlying graph. In addition, to enforce the execution of the activities in practice, no individual should desire to desert its group in favor of joining another group. In other words, the assignment should be Nash stable. In this paper, we study gGASP with Nash stability (gNSGA), whose objective is to compute such an assignment. This problem is computationally hard even on such restricted topologies as paths and stars, which naturally led Igarashi, Bredereck, Peters and Elkind [AAAI 17, AAMAS 17] to the study gNSGAin the framework of parameterized complexity. We take this line of investigation forward, significantly advancing the state-of-the-art. First, we show that gNSGA is NP-hard even when merely one activity is present. In fact, this special case remains NP-hard when we further restrict the graph to have maximum degree Δ=5. Consequently, gNSGA is not fixed-parameter tractable (FPT), or even XP, when parameterized by 𝑝+Δ, where p is the number of activities. However, we are able to design a parameterized algorithm for gNSGA on general graphs with respect to 𝑝+Δ+𝑡, where t is the maximum size of a group. Finally, we develop an algorithm that solves gNSGA on graphs of bounded treewidth 𝐭𝐰 in time 

4^p⋅(𝑛+𝑝)^{O(𝐭𝐰)}. Here, Δ+𝑡 can be arbitrarily large. Along the way, we resolve several open questions regarding gNSGA.



In this paper we consider a problem that arises from a strategic issue in the stable matching model (with complete preference lists) from the viewpoint of exact-exponential time algorithms. Specifically, we study the STABLE EXTENSION OF PARTIAL MATCHING (SEOPM) problem, where the input consists of the complete preference lists of men, and a partial matching. The objective is to find (if one exists) a set of preference lists of women, such that the men-optimal Gale–Shapley algorithm outputs a perfect matching that contains the given partial matching. Kobayashi and Matsui (Algorithmica 58:151–169, 2010) proved this problem is NP-complete. In this article, we give an exact-exponential algorithm for SEOPM running in time 2^{O(𝑛)}, where ndenotes the number of men/women. We complement our algorithmic finding by showing that unless Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails, our algorithm is asymptotically optimal. That is, unless ETH fails, there is no algorithm for SEOPM running in time 2^{𝑜(𝑛)}. Our algorithm is a non-trivial combination of a parameterized algorithm for SUBGRAPH ISOMORPHISM, a relationship between stable matching and finding an out-branching in an appropriate graph and enumerating all possible non-isomorphic out-branchings. Our results cover both the cases when the preference lists are strict and complete, and when they are strict but possibly incomplete.



India Forum of Big Data Summit, KDD (Sydney, Australia)