
(Also available at  DBLP and Google Scholar.)

by year, by topics, by category


Conferences (not covered by above)

9. Gerrymandering Planar Graphs with J. Dippel, M. D. la Tour, A. Niu, and A. Vetta

10. Maximizing Social Welfare in Score-Based Social Distance Games with R. Ganian, T. Hamm, D. Knop, Š. Schierreich and O. Suchý

11. Degreewidth: a New Parameter for Solving Problems on Tournaments with T. Davot, L. Isenmann, and J. Thiebaut

12. Optimal Seat Arrangement: What Are the Hard and Easy Cases? with J. Chen and E. Ceylan

13. Hedonic Games With Friends, Enemies, and Neutrals: Resolving Open Questions and Fine-Grained Complexity with J. Chen, G. Csáji, and S. Simola

14. Multi-Dimensional Stable Roommates in 2-Dimensional Euclidean Space with  J. Chen 

15. Gehrlein Stable Committee with Multi-Modal Preferences with S. Gupta, P. Jain, D. Lokshtanov, and S. Saurabh

16. Fractional Matchings under Preferences: Stability and Optimality with J. Chen and M. Sorge

17. Gerrymandering on Graphs: Computational Complexity and Parameterized Algorithms with S. Gupta, P. Jain, F. Panolan and S. Saurabh

18. On (Parameterized) Complexity of Almost Stable Marriage with S. Gupta, P. Jain, S. Saurabh, and M. Zehavi

19. Algorithms for Swap and Shift Bribery in Structured Elections with E. Elkind, P. Faliszewski, and S. Gupta

20. When Rigging a Tournament, Let Greediness Blind You with S. Gupta, S. Saurabh, and M. Zehavi

21. Winning a Tournament by Any Means Necessary with S. Gupta, S. Saurabh, and M. Zehavi

22. Group Activity Selection on Graphs: Parameterized Analysis with S. Gupta, S. Saurabh, and M. Zehavi

23. Measuring network centrality using hypergraphs (Best Student Papaer Award) with Balaraman Ravindran