Privacy Policy

You are presumed to have consented to our privacy policy by using this application.

The terms of this privacy statement may vary at any moment with or without previous notice to users depending on the circumstances, but they will never be harmful to anyone.

In relation to the right of access to collect and receive personal information from each user, we, as the creator and distributor of this application, solicit a decision from each user to accept or reject it.



Before collecting users' personal information, data gatherers make this information very transparent.


 We respect users' decisions on the data they choose to submit.


Users have access to the personal information that the company has acquired and can request its erasure.


Companies are solely responsible for the accuracy and security (keeping the data correctly out of the hands and eyes of unauthorized individuals) of the personal data they collect.

Except for cookies and cache records of your internet browsing behavior, we do not obtain any personally identifiable information about you through the programs we create and distribute. The personal data gathered is utilized to deliver and enhance services, as well as for the application's ad serving needs. Your information won't be used or shared in any other way than what is stated in this privacy statement.

The terminology and Conditions, which are accessible, define the terminology used in this Privacy Policy.

Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, terminology used herein have the same meanings as those in our terminology and Conditions, which are accessible through this application.

This program makes use of services provided by third parties that may gather data that can be used to identify you. Links to the privacy policies of the third-party service providers accessed through the AdMob Ads and Google Play Services applications.

Log Information

This application uses log files, just like the majority of other applications. Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet service providers (ISPs), date/time stamps, referring/exit pages, and clickstream data are all contained in the log files and are used to track user activity on the site, administer the site, identify trends, and collect demographic data. IP addresses and other data are not connected to personal data.


Cookies are little data files that are frequently utilized as anonymous, unique identifiers. These are downloaded to your device's internal memory from websites you visit and transmitted to your browser.

These "cookies" are not specifically used by this service. However, in order to gather data and enhance their services, programs may use code and third-party libraries that employ "cookies". These cookies are available for acceptance or denial, and you are informed when one is being sent to your device. You can still use our services even if you decide to reject our cookies. The type of advertisement that appears may change and may not reflect your interests.

Communications in Marketing

We may share your information with third parties for marketing purposes with your consent or with a chance for you to withdraw consent, as permitted by law.


service companies

We might work with third-party businesses and people for the following reasons:

to make our services easier;

to do services in our place;

to provide application-related services; or

to help us better understand how our services are used.

Users of this Service should be aware that these outside parties may have access to their personal information. His goal is to perform the responsibilities that have been delegated to him on our behalf. They must, however, refrain from disclosing or using the data in any other way.


We really appreciate your confidence in entrusting us with your personal information, thus we make every effort to preserve it through legal and ethical means. We cannot, however, guarantee complete security because we are aware that no technique of electronic storage or communication via the internet is 100% secure and dependable.

Other Website Links

Links to other websites could be present in this service. You will be taken to a third party site if you click on one of their links. Please be aware that our company does not run this external website. So, we strongly advise you to read our application's Privacy Policy. The content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party are outside our control, and we disclaim all liability in connection therewith.

Privacy of Children

Anyone under the age of 13 is not intended for this app. Children under the age of 13 are not intentionally subjected to our collection of personally identifying information. If We learn that a child under the age of 13 has given us personal information, We immediately remove the information from our servers. Please get in touch with us if you are the child's parent and you know your child has given us personal information so that we can take the appropriate action.

Notifications through Push

In relation to your account or the Application, we might ask to send you push notifications. You can disable these communications in your device's settings if you'd prefer not to receive them.


Legally or to safeguard rights

We may disclose your information in accordance with any applicable law, rule, or regulation if we determine that doing so is necessary to comply with legal process, to respond to complaints, to investigate potential violations of our policies, to protect the rights, property, or safety of others.  For the purpose of preventing fraud and reducing credit risk, this includes exchanging information with other organizations.

Adaptations to this Privacy Statement

Our privacy policy may occasionally be updated. Therefore, it is advised that you periodically check this page for any updates. Any modifications will be communicated to you by the publishing of a new Privacy Policy on this website. As soon as they are published on this website, the modifications take effect immediately.

Message us

You can email the developer using the information provided on each app.