
Publications/Accepted Papers

"Technology Training, Buyer-Supplier Relationship, and Quality Upgrading in an Agricultural Supply Chain" (with Zhaoneng Yuan and Hongsong Zhang) Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.

[AEA RCT Registry]      [Online Appendix]

Media Coverage: J-PAL Policy Insights

"The Economic Costs of Trade Sanctions: Evidence from North Korea" (with Jihee Kim, Kyoochul Kim, and Chang Sun) Journal of International Economics, 145, 103813, 2023.

[Code and Data]      [Online Appendix]

Paper awarded Korean Economy Research Award, Korean Economic Association, 2023  

"A Human-Machine Collaborative Approach Measures Economic Development Using Satellite Imagery" (with Donghyun Ahn,  Jeasurk Yang, Sungwon Han, Sungwon Park, Susang Lee, Hyunjoo Yang, Jihee Kim, and Meeyoung Cha) Nature Communications, 14, 6811, 2023.

[Code and Data]      [Supplementary Materials]

Media Coverage:   KBS News (Korean)   VOA (Korean) 

"The Effects of South Korean Protestantism on Human Capital and Female Empowerment, 1930-2010" (with Yutaro Izumi and Hyunjoo Yang) Journal of Comparative Economics, 51(2), June 2023, pp. 422-38.

[OSF Registry] 

"Disaster Assessment Using Computer Vision And Satellite Imagery: Applications in Detecting Water-Related Building Damages" (with Danu Kim, Jeongkyung Won, Eunji Lee, Kyungryul Park, Jihee Kim, Hyunjoo Yang, and Meeyoung Cha) Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, October 2022. 

"Socializing at Work: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Manufacturing Workers" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(3), July 2019, pp. 424-55.

Media Coverage: AEA Chart of the Week    World Bank Development Impact blog

"Coeducation, Academic Performance and Subject Choice: Evidence from Quasi-Random Classroom Assignments" Education Economics, 26(6) November 2018, pp. 574-92.

Working Papers

"Education and Wartime Mobilization: Evidence from Colonial Korea during World War II" (with Yutaro Izumi)

"Trading Up the Social Ladder: Evidence from Four Centuries of Civil Service Records" (with Rita Zihe Wang)

"Religion, Rebellion, and State Education: Evidence from Colonial Korea" (with Yutaro Izumi) Draft available upon request.

Conference Proceedings

“Learning economic indicators by aggregating multi-level geospatial information” (with Sungwon Park, Sungwon Han, Donghyun Ahn, Jaeyeon Kim, Jeasurk Yang, Susang Lee, Seunghoon Hong, Jihee Kim, Hyunjoo Yang and Meeyoung Cha) Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36(11), pp. 12053-12061.

"Learning to Score Economic Development from Satellite Imagery " (with Sungwon Han, Donghyun Ahn, Sungwon Park, Jeasurk Yang, Susang Lee, Hyunjoo Yang, Jihee Kim, and Meeyoung Cha) Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery SIGKDD 2020 Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2020, pp. 2970-79.

[Code and Data]

Selected Research in Progress

"State Certified Lemons? A Randomized Intervention on Agricultural Quality Certification"

[AEA RCT Registry]

"Demand for Ultrasonography: Roles of price framing and sex information" (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim and Hyuk Son)

[AEA RCT Registry]

"Railroad to Freedom: Colonial Transportation Networks and Diffusion of Independence Movement" (with Yutaro Izumi, Duol Kim, and Christopher Paik)

"The Long-run Impacts of Meritocratic Education in South Korea: Human Capital, Social Capital, and Local Elites" (with Zihe Wang)

"Impact Evaluation of the Seoul Safety Income Project" (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Jungmin Lee, and Hankyoung Sung)

[AEA RCT Registry]