Sang-Yong Tom Lee

Sang-Yong Tom Lee is a professor of Hanyang University School of Business (HUBS). He received a B.A. (1990) and a M.S. (1992) in Economics from Seoul National University, and a Ph.D. (1999) from Texas A&M University. Before joining Hanyang University, Professor Lee was on the faculty of Department of Information Systems, National University of Singapore as an assistant professor.

He has taught various courses such as Management Information Systems, Business Telecommunications, Business Analytics, and others in the MIS area. His research interests are in economics of information systems and data analytics. More specifically, his recent works are on online information privacy/security, value of IT, social media analytics, and fintech. His papers have been published in various journals such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and others.

Professional Experience


Research Interests

Selected Journal Papers

(Please refer to for a full list.)


Current Working Papers

External Professional Service (selected)