

SANESolution Endorsements

What Makes SANE Different?

Lasting Results You Can See | Backed By MDs & PhDs vs. Celebrities |  Real Food, Real Slimming

SANESolution or SANE recipes are simple, delicious and use easy ingredients you can find anywhere. You won't believe you get to eat hearty and satisfying real food with postbiotic supplements that are slimming at the same time! Almost any diet can claim fast results by helping you lose water weight and muscle mass. SANE is the smart option for those who want to see healthy results and keep the weight off for good. Most diets pay celebrities to endorse them. 

Is the SANE Ignite Program Right For You?

Going SANE might be a good fit for YOU if:

1 - You Believe That Your Health Goals Cannot Be Reached With Guilt, Shame Or Blame

When you look below the surface of the paid celebrity endorsements, you will find most diets and weight loss programs are based on outdated science and the idea that there is something wrong with you. In fact, this dangerous idea is the main reason 95.4% of diets fail to keep the weight off, leading many individuals into the hormonally damaging and set-point elevating world of yo-yo dieting.

Let’s be clear once and for all. If you have struggled to lose weight or keep it off in the past, there is nothing wrong with you! Instead we want to celebrate the whole you and work together to gently restore your healthy relationship with food and perhaps even with yourself.

Our loving guidance and coaching is all about you and is focused on eliminating the guilt and shame that so often silently holds us back from lasting weight loss

2 - You Understand That Bad Information Is The Reason Past Weight Loss Attempts Have Failed

The truth is you are not to blame for the times that did not work before. So what is? Put simply, it is outdated, obsolete science from the 1960’s that many “experts” still blindly teach to this day.

The idea that you can solve this problem by “trying harder” helps the $4 billion diet industry make more money, but it does not help you lose weight. If you are tired of being chained to your scale, then it’s time to enjoy the freedom that only comes with the SANE lifestyle.

Old beliefs such as “calories in, calories out” or that a “calorie is a calorie” and that quality does not matter have been proven wrong once and for all. If you have ever felt like “there must be a missing piece” to lasting weight loss, then you are in the right place, because the SANE lifestyle replaces that outdated junk-science and is proven to work in the real world over the long term.

3 - You Want An Easy To Follow System Backed By 1,300 Clinical Studies That Show Us What Really Works

Throughout history weight loss has been viewed as a battle between the forces of good and evil... about a flaw in your character... about who you are as a person. But it’s not that dramatic.

It’s just science. Struggling with weight is no more a character flaw than struggling with allergies is a character flaw. If you’re gaining weight, it’s because your hormonal sink has become clogged and your set-point has been elevated. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means you have to make adjustments if you want to begin burning fat instead of gaining weight.

The key is to stop trying so hard and instead use a proven and personalized plan and system based on the latest research found in 1,300 clinical studies. That is exactly what we will show you how to do in the personalized report you will get after taking your weight loss diagnostic. Click here to take your 3-minute diagnostic now

4 - You Want The Freedom To Enjoy High-Quality Food Without Wasting Your Time Counting Pre-packaged Calories

Most diet programs take away your freedom to be full and require you to spend big bucks on unsatisfying tiny pre-packaged “microwave dinners” stuffed with preservatives and cheap, hormonally damaging ingredients. It’s all based on the outdated 1960’s idea of “a calorie is a calorie,” and science proves it’s just not true! The SANE fat-burning menu is completely different.

What is SANE food? Put simply, SANE food is real food proven to get real results. SANE recipes are delicious, hormonally healing, and each meal is exceptionally easy to prepare. SANE food helps you feel full, satisfied, and energized while clearing your hormonal clog and resetting your body's set-point weight, allowing you to effortlessly burn fat.

And yes, as you will see, you have the freedom to indulge in your favorite fats and sweets every day. Why? Because science has shown that when we prepare these foods the right way with the right ingredients, we can burn fat while we enjoy food that tastes great and doesn't come from a box. It's so simple, and I can't wait to show you how we do it in the SANE kitchen.

And the best part is that as long as it’s on the SANE menu, you can eat until you are so full and satisfied you couldn’t think of enjoying another bite. That means cravings will be a thing of the past, and it’s the exact reason why here at SANE we always say: “Eat more, lose more!”

5 - You Know You Will Be More Motivated And Energized If You Are Not Alone On Your Health Journey. 

Study after study prove that if you want to see lasting results when you’re trying to lose weight, you can’t do it alone. Those same studies show that you can increase your chances of successfully losing weight by up to 20% and keeping it off by simply having support along your journey. If something will help you succeed, it only makes sense to at least try it, right

So the secret to staying motivated is working with others. However, most of us just don’t have the extra time to drive to the local strip mall and spend two hours at a meeting. To solve this problem, your SANE team has created a one-of-a-kind caring and compassionate coaching program and community designed so you get the same boost in success in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Our SANE expert coaches, staff and community members are here 24/7 with open arms and loving words of encouragement so you are never alone and have everything you need to reach your goals.

6 - You Understand That Every Single Choice Brings You Closer To Or Farther Away From Your Goals

If you are tired of relying on dozens of different sources of diet advice—all of which say completely conflicting things—then perhaps it’s time to choose to shut out all the hype and take time to focus on your needs.

Everyday we are faced with simple little choices that add up to make a big difference. At first these choices can seem hard, but soon we build up positive habits that make these choices effortless. If you are ready to make a positive change today and start burning fat permanently, click here and find out which Personalized Premium Weight Loss Program is the perfect fit for your goals, budget, and body type!

The Only Fat-Burning System Proven By 1,300+ Studies

Going SANE is recommended to help you lose weight by top doctors at Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, UCLA, and more

What If You Could Eat MORE, Exercise LESS, and Lose Weight For Good? Curious About The Science? Watch This Video to Learn The Surprising Truth...

Food That Heals Your Body And Nourishes Your Soul

We have a very simple philosophy about what we put on our plates. Food should taste great, make you feel completely full and satisfied, heal your hormones and ignite your body's own natural fat-burning power.

The SANE table is a joyous place to share our gratitude for our friends and family, not for complex calorie counting and missing out on food we love. In fact, we say eat so much of the natural whole foods you love that you won’t have any room for the insane processed “food-like-products” that put you at risk for diabetes, make you gain belly fat, and cause severe cravings.

If you want prepackaged meals filled with hormone clogging preservatives then the SANE lifestyle is not for you. Instead we will empower you with over one thousand delicious recipes (and growing) that are both slimming and simple.

These are meals you will be excited to eat every single day, and don’t worry because these are all made with easy and affordable ingredients you can find in your local supermarket.

Exclusive SANE Recipes Designed To Burn Fat

Get instant access to over 1,400+ searchable SANE Certified recipes and meal plans that make losing weight easy and delicious!

What Makes a SANE Certified Recipe Different?

Unlimited Access To Everything You Will Ever Need To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Stay Motivated, End Cravings, Track Progress, Get Coaching, Eliminate Confusion, Stay Supported, and Finally Achieve Lasting Weight Loss Success!

Your 7-Part Personalized Plan

1) Join Live Weekly Coaching Sessions

Jonathan Bailor

My 12 Week Transformation Coaching with the World's Leading Long-Term Weight Loss Expert Jonathan Bailor

You will get exclusive access to Jonathan directly during 12 weeks of live group webinars so you can overcome your personal roadblocks and blast through any weight loss plateaus you may have.

During your 12 week transformation, you will uncover cutting-edge strategies you cannot find anywhere else, get answers to your specific questions, and fine tune your personal plan. Note: This personal live coaching directly with Jonathan is only available for a limited time. Soon, this will be turned over to some amazing SANECertified™ coaches, so please don't wait to "Go SANE."

During These Motivating Live Sessions You Will:

2) Begin The Step-By-Step Video Training Program

SANE Video Training

SANE IGNITE 360 Guided Video Training

Know exactly how to get the results you want for life with the most powerful long-term fat loss system ever created. This is your personal step-by-step action plan that will answer each and every one of your questions and is proven to get life-long results.

Enjoy your simple personal day-by-day roadmap so you can drive directly to your ideal slim, pain-free, and energetic new life. And like all things SANE, you can enjoy this however works best for you...any time, on any device (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc.).

These Quick Powerful Videos Show You:

3) Ensure Success With Caring 1-on-1 Phone Coaching

SANE Ignite Program Success

One-On-One SANECertified™ Expert Phone Coaching

We are excited to announce one of the most highly anticipated parts of the IGNITE Program. To ensure you get off to a fast start, you are going to get on the phone with your SANECertified™ Expert Coach during your first 12 weeks and together you will look at your unique situation and pinpoint any specific problems that may be holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals.

You will get your specific questions answered and together you and your coach will create the foundation you need to guarantee success. Your SANECertified™ Expert Coach is there to hold your hand, congratulate you on your success, and help you truly reach your full potential.

To Ensure Your Unique Needs Are Met:

4) Unlock The "Something For Everyone" Recipe Library

Recipe Library

1,400+ Ultimate SANECertified™ Recipe Collection

Get instantly searchable access to over 1,400+ delicious SANECertified™ breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, side, smoothie, soups, and salad recipes that will give you all-day-energy while you burn fat. You will be shocked by the tasty food and how easy it is to find fat-burning meals that everyone enjoys.

Search by what you have in your fridge, meal type, and more! You won't find these recipes or Instant Recipe Search™ experience anywhere else, and you can enjoy all of them everywhere you go on your laptop, desktop, phone, tablet, or even print them out!

This Endless Variety Recipe Collection Empowers You With:

5) Get A New SANECertified™ Recipe eBook Every Month!

12 Award-Winning SANECertified™ Recipe eBooks

Get a brand new SANECertified™ Recipe Collection eBook every single month for 12 months. Filled with our most delicious fat-burning recipes and vivid full color photography, these are convenient digital versions of our popular print recipe books that normally cost $39.95 each!

And of course, you can enjoy these recipes (over 700 of them!) everywhere you go on your laptop, desktop, phone, or tablet...and you can even print them out!

6) Enjoy 24/7/365 Personal Coaching and Support

SANESolution Customer Services

Unlimited 24/7/365 Caring Coaching and Support

Get immediate answers to all of your weight loss, fitness and health questions with your 24/7 Instant Answer SANE Concierge Service™. Overcome any plateau or challenge with unlimited friendly personal coaching and support from SANECertified™ Coaches and new friends in the Private SANE Online Support Group.

Plus, enjoy instant guidance after every meal on how you did and what to eat next from the SANECoach™ in your mobile app. As always, it all works however is best for you... iPhone, iPad, Android, desktop, laptop, and even on most Kindle devices!

With Unlimited SANE Support and Coaching, You Will Get:

7) Stay Motivated with Simple Success Tracking Tools

SANESolution tools

Every SANE Tool to Track and Share Your Progress

Unlock the easy-to-use patented SANEScore™, SANETrack™, and SANESocial™ tools within your simple app to see exactly how close you are to reaching your goals and to see exactly what to eat next to lose the most weight deliciously.

There is never any confusion about what you should and shouldn't, it's three times faster than calorie counting, and it's easy-to-use immediately on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, most Kindles, and even on your desktop and laptop.

This is easy for EVERYONE to use and you even have a paper tracker option so that you never ever need tech support!

Your SANE App and Tools Free You From Calorie Counting Forever:

8) End Confusion with a Single Comprehensive Source For Life-Long Wellness Education and Inspiration!

SANESolution wellness

Unlimited Access to The SANE Best-Life Library

Eliminate confusion forever with all the wellness info you will ever need in one simple, beautiful (even printable!) website. 

Unlock exclusive, comprehensive, and immediately actionable tips, tools, and techniques from the best doctors and wellness experts in the world however works best for you (ex. video, audio, or text), wherever works best for you (ex. laptop, desktop, phone, or tablet).

No matter what you are doing, you can turn this on and effortlessly empower yourself with the most powerful and proven science to reach super health and weight loss.