Sandra Sequeira
Sandra Sequeira is a Professor of Economics in the International Development Department, at the London School of Economics. Her research focuses on development economics (migration, state capacity), political economy and consumer behavior.
She is the recipient of a European Research Council Starting Grant (2019-2023), a Philip Leverhulme Prize in Economics (2022), an ESRC Knowledge Transfer Partnership Award (2017) and a WHO Raise Competition Award (2019). She is also a Trustee of Transform Schools, an editor for Economics Letters and the founder and co-director of the MSc in Economic Policy for International Development at the LSE.
London School of Economics
Department of International Development
Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE
email: s.sequeira[at]
Positions for 2024/2025, FILLED
Full-time pre-doc position at the London School of Economics. Applicants should be completing (or have completed) a Bachelor's or Masters degree in Economics or a related field and have strong quantitative and programming skills. Candidates with experience with Arc Gis and machine learning are particularly encouraged to apply. This position is suitable for people looking to obtain experience in economic research for 1 to 2 years before applying to graduate school in economics. Research projects will be in the fields of labour, development and political economy. Visa Sponsorship if required.
Part-time research assistant position. Applicants should be completing an Msc, MRes or Phd degree in economics and have strong quantitative and programming skills. Candidates with experience with Arc Gis and machine learning are particularly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, you can send an inquiry email to with your CV and transcript. ALL POSITIONS FILLED