2nd Annual SDIS Photo Contest

Winners of the San Diego Iris Society

Annual Photo Contest

Congratulations to winners in each of five categories of photographs entered into the 2nd Annual Photo Contest of the San Diego Iris Society (2019). Favorite photos were picked from several entries in each category by the general public in attendance at our 2019 Spring Show.

Scroll down to see the winners!

Category A

Iris in a garden, field or landscape

Winner: Patricia Anderson

Category A Submissions

Category B

Iris with person or people

Winner: Steve Rocha

Category B Submissions

Category C

Close up of Individual Flower / whole flower

Winner: Steve Rocha

Category C Submissions

Category D

Zoomed up close - partial flower

Winner: Olga Batalov

Category D Submissions

Category E

Iris with Pets / wildlife

Winner: Janis Shackelford

Category E Submissions

Thank you Patti Anderson for organizing another fantastic Photo Contest!