Graph Machine Learning AIL 723 and Advanced Machine Learning ELL88

Instructors:  Sandeep Kumar (SDK)  

ELL 88 3 credits (3-0-0) AIL 723 4 credits(3-0-1) Pre-requisites:  Linear Algebra,  Probability, Introductory Machine Learning, and OptimizationSemester II: 2023-2024
Course Objective:  ​​This course will assume a background in the basics of linear algebra, machine learning, and optimization. The goal of this course is to train students with foundational mathematical concepts and skills in Machine Learning for high-dimensional, big-data, non-Euclidean, irregular, and geometric data problems. We delve deeply into the methodologies of graph learning and graph mining, emphasizing on theoretical  tools to get insights from structured data presented in the form of graphs. The theory will go in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world applications with state-of-the-art methods, including ML, networks, learning, computer vision, bioinformatics, controls, etc.

Research-Based Course:

The course is interdisciplinary, it would welcome advanced undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. students from various disciplines interested in the mathematical foundations and applications of machine learning for high-dimensional, big data, non-Euclidean, and geometric data.

Project: The students could pick topics from their domain, the project will aim to expose students to the state-of-the-art literature in the area and will be helpful for their research.  

 Module and Lecture Plan

[M1] Basics of graphs & graph learning   (4 Weeks/ 8 lectures)

 [M2] Basics of Differential Geometry (3 Weeks/ 6 lectures)

[M3] Manifolds to Graphs: Graphs to Approximate Manifold Geodesics 

   (3 Weeks/ 6 lectures)

[M4] Graphs to Manifold: Graph Representation Learning (4 weeks/ 8 lectures)

 Evaluation Plan

ELL 888

  • Scribing and slides (10%),
  • Project (25%)  Individually or in pairs: outstanding performance in a project will be appropriately rewarded.
  • Mid-sem exam  (20%)
  • End-sem exam (45%)

AIL 723

  • Scribing and slides (10%),
  • Assignment  (15%)  
  • Project  (10 %) Individually or in pairs: outstanding performance in a project will be appropriately rewarded.
  • Mid-sem exam  (20%)
  • End-sem exam (45%)


  1. Murphy, Kevin P. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. MIT Press, 2021.
  2. Koller, Daphne, and Nir Friedman. Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques, MIT Press, 2009.
  3. Boumal, Nicolas. "An Introduction to Optimization on Smooth Manifolds." Available online, Aug (2020).
  4. Research Papers from JMLR, NeurIPS, ICML,  IEEE TIT, IEEE TSP,  IEEE TPAMI, etc.