M.Sc. Thesis: 2019-2020

1. Miss Bhupali Das

Thesis Title: Magnetic Property of Li-doped Rutile TiO2 compounds for Spintronic Application

2. Mr. Lakshan Roy

Thesis Title: Influence of Mg-doping on Magnetic Property of TiO2  for Spintronics Application

3. Mr. Rajib Basumatary

Thesis Title: Magnetic property of Ti1-xMgxO2 compounds for spintronics application 

M.Sc. Thesis: 2018-2019

1. Miss Bandana Narzary

Thesis Title: Magnetic Property of Sn1-x(Ni/Ag)xO2 compounds for Spintronics Application

2. Miss Deepa Rani Basumatary

Thesis Title: Influence of silver co-doping on Magnetic Property of Ni doped Tin Oxide for Spintronics Application 

3. Swgwmsar Swrang Baro

Thesis Title: Study of low and high temperature magnetic property of Sn1-x(Co/Ag)xO2 for Spintronics Application 

M.Sc. Thesis:  2017-2018

1. Mr. Rajamani Basumatary

Thesis Title: Magnetic Anisotropy Property in Co-Tb alloys Prepared by DC Magnetron Sputtering

2. Mr. Hatharki Basumatary

 Thesis Title: Magnetic Property of Co/Ni Multilayers Prepared by DC Magnetron Sputtering