World Setting TBC

Background and the World

This world is called "Ensdiar". It is named after the Goddess Ensdiar who saved the entire world from war and madness during ancient times.  

The mainland consists of 5 regions and it is surrounded by several small islands. The major land locates at the centre of the ocean,  commonly known as "The middle world". On top of that, there are two other large domains located above and below the mainland - "The upper world" and "The underworld".


The names of the seven  regions are:

Central,  Twilightania

East, Cloud sea

West, Rosa Land

North, The Frozen Land

South, Ixion the Golden Desert

The Upper World, Aether

The Underworld, Darkurda

Small minor regions include Ozymandias, an antique technology ruin located near the Ixion Desert; and Island of Shenir, floating moving ghost island.