San Antonio Termite Treatment

San Antonio Termite Inspection – Termite Control

Termites are beneficial organisms that eat dead wood and turn it into rich humus in the wild, but when they start eating your home it’s time to call the expert termite exterminators at Bob Jenkins Pest & Lawn Services.

We all hope our homes will be safe from harm, and usually we’re right, but any home in San Antonio can be affected by this hidden menace of wood destroying insects. There are a range of termite control treatments that can help rid your home of these troublesome pests, and at Bob Jenkins Pest & Lawn Services, we have a national award winning termite specialist that will recommend proper treatment for the protection of your home or office. When you need a termite inspection, there is only one pest control company to call – Bob Jenkins Pest & Lawn Services.

For all your termite control needs,

Call Bob Jenkins Pest & Lawn Services today or

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Termite Inspection

Termites have been around for a lot longer than humans. They are estimated to have been here for over 120 million years. Termites live in colonies and they are typically found in the ground or in wood. Termites are the number one wood destroying insects worldwide. There are thousands of species, but the US has about 50 species. Termites are usually divided into three groups based on the location of their colony: the subterranean, the drywood, and the dampwood termites. A fourth, the Formosan Termites were imported from China and are so prolific they are often given their own group, but they are actually a subterranean termite.

Dampwood Termites: The group names are not deceptive. The dampwood termite live in wood with high moisture content. This group of termite is generally the largest of the species, but they are not typically a problem for our homes because of their need for moisture. To make sure they are not a problem for your home, avaid prolonged contact between a wooden structure and large areas of moisture.

Drywood Termites: Drywood termites like dry wood and they do not require contact with the soil. A normal colony contains around 2,500 termites. Drywood termites can be avoided by making sure firewood and scrap wood is stored at least 20 feet from the home. Because drywood termites form new colonies by gaining access to wood through small holes, seal all cracks and crevices in a structure.

Subterranean Termites: Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive species. They can collapse a building entirely, meaning possible financial ruin for a homeowner. The hard, saw-toothed jaws of termites work like shears and are able to bite off extremely small fragments of wood, one piece at a time. Subterranean termites including the Formosan Termite need contact with the soil to survive and live underground. They can build tunnels through cracks in concrete. Subterranean termites live in underground colonies or in moist secluded areas above ground that can contain up to 2 million members. Originally from China, Formosan termites are the most voracious, aggressive and devious of over 2,000 termite species known to science. Formosan termites are a subterranean species of termite and they are the meanest and baddest of the termite species. They are very aggressive and even harder to control once they have infested a structure. Subterranean termites build distinctive “mud tubes” to gain access to food sources and to protect themselves from open air. Termite colonies are organized into castes depending on tasks — workers, soldiers and reproductives. The characteristics of a subterranean termite are dependent on the termite’s role in the colony. Cream-colored Worker subterranean termites are 1/8 to 3/8’s of an inch in length. Soldier subterranean termites are of a similar body length, but are distinguished by their powerful mandibles. Soldier termites have cream-colored bodies and brown heads. Reproductive subterranean termites are approximately one inch long.

  • Cause serious damage to structures often long before they are discovered — more than $1.5 billion in property damage a year to over 600,000 homes in the U.S.

  • Feed on books, papers or anything containing cellulose.

  • Favor warmer climates and actively avoid light.

  • Live in underground colonies — some containing over two million members.

  • In a larger nest, a queen and king may live for 15 years, with the queen laying up to one egg every 15 seconds for most of her life.

Prevention is key. Avoid water accumulation near your home’s foundation. Proper attic and crawl space ventilation will reduce humidity and maintain a one-inch gap between the soil and wood portions of the building.

Termite Inspection

Visual inspection inside the home around all doors all windows all plumbing access. Visual Termite inspection of the water heater and AC cabinet. Vision inspection around water softener and any other penetration through the concrete or cracks and crevices in the foundation. Outside visual inspection around foundation, doors and windows. Paying special attention around mulch surrounding the home. Looking for compromised wood fascia and wooden trim damage by trees shrubs wind or rain. Looking at expansion joints and or cracks in crevices in the foundation around the home.

San Antonio Termite Control

Our termite specialist will safeguard your home from termites by focusing on both the soil and the structure. We’ll diagnose your individual needs and provide a customized solution, by combining treatments above and below ground for the most complete and thorough protection. Treatment areas include attics, eaves, walls, windows, doors, plumbing, expansion joints, weep holes, foundation and slab.

If you notice any signs of wood damage or evidence of any wood destroying insects,

Call Bob Jenkins Pest & Lawn Services today!

(210) 979-7378

San Antonio, Tx

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