Highly Cited Researcher of Big Data

1: Xiaolong Jin

Website: http://www.bigdatalab.ac.cn/~jinxiaolong/

Cited by 3014 

Dr. Jin is currently a professor and a PhD advisor of the Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is the Director Assistant of the National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Analysis System, based at ICT-CAS. He is also a professor of the University of CAS. Prof. Jin is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Task Force on Big Data, China Computer Federation (CCF TFBD), a senior memeber of CCF, and a member of IEEE and ACM. 

2: Benjamin W. Wah 

Website: https://research.tue.nl/en/persons/phuong-h-nguyen

Cited by 10164 

Professor Benjamin Wan-Sang Wah is the Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was elected President of IEEE Computer Society in 2001.  Wah is an expert on non-linear programming, multimedia signal processing and artificial intelligence. 

3: Pierre Pinson 

Website: http://pierrepinson.com

Cited by 8581 

Pierre Pinson  is a researcher and academic, Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Electrical Engineering, more precisely in its Centre for Electric Power and Energy. Then he head the Energy Analytics & Markets group. Besides this main position, he has been a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford (Mathematical Institute) and at the University of Washington (Dept. of Statistics), also spending one year at the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), as a consultant mainly focusing on ensemble forecasting of surface winds. He has also been a visiting Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure in Rennes. In 2019, he will be a Simons fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute of the University of Cambridge in connection with Mathematics of Energy Systems thematic semester. 

4: Rafal Weron 

 Website:  https://www.ii.pwr.edu.pl/~rweron/

Cited by 8278 

Rafal Weron is Professor of Economics and head of the Economic Modeling Group (K4/Z2) in the Department of Operations Research. He is a member of the Statistics and Econometrics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KSiE PAN), General Chair of the Energy Finance Christmas (EFC) Workshops series and Associate Editor of Computational Statistics, Energies, Journal of Energy Engineering, Journal of Energy Markets, National Economy and Operations Research and Decisions. He is the recipient of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prize for outstanding academic achievements (2016), the Emerald Citation of Excellence Award(2017), the IIF Tao Hong Award for the best paper on energy forecasting published in the International Journal of Forecasting (2017) and the Hugo Steinhaus prize of the Polish Mathematical Society for outstanding achievements in Applied Mathematics (2018). 

5: Shu Fan 

 Website:  http://users.monash.edu.au/~shufan/

Shu Fan is a Senior Research Fellow with Business and Economic Forecasting Unit, Monash University, Australia. His current research interests focus on forecasting in electrical power system, including:

Short-term and long-term electricity demand forecasting;

Electricity price forecasting in day-ahead market and real-time market;

Wind energy generation forecasting.

Other research lab working on my area of interest:

1: Energy Informatics Group (LUMS University)


2: Energy Data Analytics Lab (Duke University)


3: Smart Grid Data Science Lab (University of Southern California)
