A small part of the Italian Royal Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) remained under German control. This was known as the National Republican Air Force (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, or ANR), ostensibly part of the forces of Benito Mussolini's Fascist state in northern Italy, the Italian Social Republic (Repubblica Sociale Italiana). The ANR pilots flew with the Axis.

By the end of 1943, 281 Italian warplanes had landed at Allied airfields, but most were no longer useful for combat. The crews of these aircraft were re-equipped with Allied aircraft and engaged in transport, escort, reconnaissance, sea rescue, and limited tactical ground support operations flying 11,000 missions from 1943 to 1945.

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The P-39 For Italy.

General info

On October of 1943 just after the Italian Armistice, an agreement was made between the Allies and the south of Italy who remained loyal to the King and Badoglio, in which lead to the formation of the Italian Co belligerent Armed forces, which Included the Army, Navy and Airforce. This Agreement allowed to have a war torn Italy who wasn't looking for war, to redeem themselves and allow them to actually prove that they weren't the enemy after all.This lead to a civil war which has the National Republican of Italy (Still Loyal to Mussolini and Germany) Against the Royal Italian army (Loyal to the King and Allies). So to begin to utilise their new comrades for the better good the Allies equiped the Italian Armed forces with allied equipment, in this case the Co-belligerent italian air force got access to the P-39.The Air force was never allowed to fight or fly on enemy-controlled areas of Italy as the allies didn't want a confrontation of Axis Italian Pilots vs Allied Italian Pilots. Instead all of the effort was moved towards Yugoslavia and the Balkans in which they were assigned multiple tasks against Nazi Germany, such as attacking German infantstructure and retreating colonies,all to aid in the Allied war effort. The P-39's were liked by the italian pilots as now it wasn't as hard to find spare parts and fuel to operate the vehicles unlike when they used their italian-made vehicles. The P39's were specifically operated by the 10Gruppo, 4Stormo, Aeronautica Cobelligerante del Sud, Lecce-Galatina. 170 vehicles were given to italy, and finnally they were put out of service in 1951.



Why it should be added

So in all honesty the italian air force tech tree is currently one of the best in the game, the problem is that we don't have enough vehicle representation of the allied side of Italy, allowing Italy to gain some more WW2 vehicles they actually operated would make people happy, especially italian players as its actually giving representation of how not all of Italy supported the axis, and how they were prepared to get inside a vehicle of their former enemy to fight against the axis. Adding it to the tree would allow people to experience the P-39 without having to play America for example. Its assets. models and texures for the P-39 are already currently in game, which means adding it on the tree is just the case of changing the skin of it. Italy could really use these filler vehicles so it takes longer for someone to grind the tree, because currently the tree isn't very big so adding it could be the next step in allowing people to experiece the tree for longer.









The first that come to my mind is about the version we should introduce in game, because as you already showed with photos and profiles, the Co-Belligerent airforce received either N and Q versions (if I remember well N-1 and Q-5).

There is also to consider an interesting historical aspect: during transition to this machine, american instructors were very clear saying "do not make any maneuver, they are a risk with this plane" but italians refused to listen... it was contrary to their tradition in aerobatic flight and combat tradition.

Since when I was young I always heard about italian P-39 referring to them as "N-1" or "Q-5" but more analysis would be needed on specific serial numbers because it seems other specific "Q" versions were delivered and this could be useful to differentiate this plane from others already in game.

The Block 5 RPA provides a significant increase in electrical power generation, auto takeoff and landing capability with improved landing gear and datalinks, and the latest version of the GA-ASI Lynx Multi-mode Radar.

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), an affiliate of General Atomics, is a leading designer and manufacturer of proven, reliable RPA systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mission systems, including the Predator RPA series and the Lynx Multi-mode Radar. With more than eight million flight hours, GA-ASI provides long-endurance, mission-capable aircraft with integrated sensor and data link systems required to deliver persistent situational awareness. The company also produces a variety of sensor control/image analysis software, offers pilot training and support services, and develops meta-material antennas.

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More than 70% of the global carbon emissions in the atmosphere are due to energy generation and use. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), these emissions must fall to zero by 2050, in order to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 C, as in the Paris Agreement target. This requires a massive shift towards electrification and renewable energy sources. Power generation should expand three-fold to reach 70,800 TWh/a by 2050, with renewables providing 90% of the supply.

The first option is repowering and revamping existing plants. Sun-tracking systems would increase the energy yield by around 20-40% while the replacement of the old modules with new ones, exceeding 22% efficiency, could result in more than 50% extra power obtained from solar farms installed between 2010 and 2015. This value can be even higher thanks to a new generation of tandem solar cells, made up of different components optimised for different sections of the solar spectrum and designed to overcome the efficiency limit of silicon. Cell manufacturers and research labs are indeed looking to exceed the 30% efficiency target by 2030 with an economically viable technology, and Italy is playing an important part in this race.

The potential energy output of rooftop installations on Italian buildings was estimated to be about 120 GWp with 15% efficient modules3. Based on those data, currently available commercial (22% efficient) modules would generate 200 TWh of electricity per year, twice as much the national PV target for 2030 discussed above. With 30% efficient modules, the potential would reach 275 TWh/a. Facades can also contribute significantly, as residential and office buildings could integrate photovoltaics on a total of 160 km of faade surface area and contribute to the generation of 15-25 TWh/a of electricity (depending on the PV technology).

Methods:  The Executive Committee of the European Society of Intensive Care (ESICM) commissioned the project and supervised the methodology and structure of the consensus. We selected an international panel of 19 expert clinicians-researchers in intensive care unit (ICU) with expertise in critical care ultrasonography (US), plus a non-voting methodologist. The panel was divided into five subgroups (brain, lung, heart, abdomen and vascular ultrasound) which identified the domains and generated a list of questions to be addressed by the panel. A Delphi process based on an iterative approach was used to obtain the final consensus statements. Statements were classified as a strong recommendation (84% of agreement), weak recommendation (74% of agreement), and no recommendation (less than 74%), in favor or against.

Has Schwinn forks. It definitely is not a Schwinn. The previous owner owned a skate shop and two killer Redline's. The thought was is that it is a italian make. It has been completely redone with powdercoat etc. Not a department store bike either..... 589ccfa754

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