Recoletos Graduate Attributes



Orthodoxy in

Catholic Faith

Integrity in

Moral Life

Dynamism in

Prayer Life









Demonstrate correct understanding, assimilation and proclamation of the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith (i.e. Triune God, Church, Magisterium, Sacraments, etc.)

Demonstrate a life in obedience to the will of God as taught and lived by Jesus Christ and interpreted by the Magisterium Participate fully, consciously and actively in all forms of worship to God “in Christ, through Christ and with Christ: as a way of life towards service to others

Participate fully, consciously and actively in all forms of worship to God “in Christ, through Christ and with Christ: as a way of life towards service to others

Demonstrate personal relationship with Christ through search for truth in prayers and introspection towards “life under the shelter of God, life with God, life received from God, the very life of God himself” (Sermon 297; OAR Constitutions 8)

Show love and concern for family, Church, and society by building friendship and solidarity “as children of God and brethren of Christ” (OAR Constitutions 17)

Share the joy of the Gospel “for all people to love God with us” (De Doctr. Christ 77, Constitutions 23) especially “to the weakest members” (De Op. Wonach, Constitutions 26) and show care for the environment

Emulate Mary, Our Lady Consolation, as model of faith, humility and obedience and “as a sign of sure hope and of comfort for the people of God on their journey.” (Lumen Gentium 68, OAR Constitutions 30)


Demonstrate mastery and interiorization of the Catholic Faith and Church Teachings

Assimilate the Catholic moral principles in the light of the Beatitudes and live them up virtuously in diverse situations

Give fitting worship to God integrating the liturgical, devotional and sacramental life of the Church with personal conviction

Lead a life animated by prayer and immerse actively and holistically in different spiritual and liturgical activities in the community

Apply the Augustinian meaning and implications of friendship and communion in community life

Imbibe the joy of the Gospel and express it in apostolic activities through community service, care of environment, interfaith and intercultural dialogue and other sustainable initiatives

Show/practice filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary through Marian devotional and liturgical activities

Main Campus | Manila-Cavite Road, Sta. Cruz, Cavite City 4100, Philippines (046)431-7011

Canacao Campus | Padre Burgos St., Bo. Rosario, San Roque, Cavite City 4100, Philippines (046)504-1810