Are You a Car Accident Injury Victim?

There are millions of car accidents in the US annually- most of which result in injury to at least one party. Regardless of how minor or severe the person’s injuries are, they can have a lasting effect on the victim’s mental and physical health.


Car accident injuries can leave people unable to work or get around for anywhere from a few days to the rest of their lives. In every case, they may be entitled to compensation, and we can help them get it.


Living in pain and feeling scared to go after the justice you deserve is not an option- take back control and recover some of the damage. Let us help you along the road to recovery.


Our team is more than just a group of experienced, highly-trained, expert legal professionals: we are also people who care about what you are going through. Years of front-line experience building and winning car accident injury claims for our client has shown us how to build a solid case and get the justice you deserve.


Why Hire a Car Accident Injury Lawyer?


After an accident, the thought of a legal battle could be too much- especially if you are recovering from an injury. Injury lawyers take the weight off your shoulders and lead the charge on your behalf- and we know exactly what moves to make.


How Can We Help?



Who Can We Help?


If you have been injured in a car accident, we can help you. Any victim who suffers as the result of an incident that was not their fault deserves the best service from a legal team that cares.


We help people who sustain all kinds of car accident-related injuries.


Types of Car Accident Injuries that Justify Legal Claims


Please note that every injury is valid. Even a minor injury can have a major impact, so do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


Here are some common car accident injuries that we often deal with as personal injury lawyers.




Whiplash is a type of neck injury caused by a sudden jolt or force through the muscles and tissue. In an incident as extreme as a car collision, it is very common for the body to be thrown around. The force can be too much to handle- even when wearing a seatbelt. One of the most vulnerable parts of the body is the neck.


When a car hits another object or vehicle, the head is often snapped forward very quickly- which can lead to damaged ligaments, nerves, and even vertebrae in the neck. This is known as whiplash or CAD trauma.


How do you know if you have whiplash? Here are some of the common symptoms:



Any pain in your neck after an accident should be assessed by a medical professional immediately, as it could be something potentially life-changing or life-threatening. An accurate diagnosis is essential for peace of mind and can also help your case.


Whiplash is often downplayed as an insignificant injury, but we understand how this sometimes long-lasting pain can impact your quality of life. We do not stop fighting your corner against insurance companies who try to lowball their offers.


Head Trauma


Car crashes cause more head injuries than any other accident. A person’s entire world can change in an instant if they sustain a head trauma- with the possibility of life-long disability.


Our legal team understands all the ways a head injury can impact a person’s existence. Excruciating medical bills, loss of freedom, inability to work, and significant pain are just some of the possible effects. If the damage leads to a traumatic brain injury, the victim and their family face a whole new road ahead.


If you or a loved one suffered a head injury in a car accident- don’t struggle alone. Contact our legal team and let us help on the journey in all the ways we can.



Back Injuries


Back injuries can be debilitating on a large scale. Extreme cases can lead to life-long paralysis- but even minor back damage can leave a person in pain for years. Some of the back injuries we see the most amongst car accident victims include:



Many back injuries require long stints of rehabilitation and therapy- which not only cost a fortune but interfere with a person’s ability to work and earn. If the damage is significant, the possibility of returning to work may be extremely delayed or even rendered impossible.


Piling bills and worries about the future can snowball quickly, but don’t get buried! Speak to one of our determined and aggressive lawyers who can fight against insurance companies that may try to take advantage of your vulnerable situation. We can also advise on all your compensation options based on the severity of your injury.


Internal Injuries


Internal injuries can be fatal- even if the person looks fine. Always seek medical assistance after a car accident to rule out the possibility of internal bleeding or organ damage.


Fractured ribs and punctured lungs are also common internal injuries caused by car accidents, and they can leave a person in serious pain- or worse. Even with treatment, all the above-mentioned injuries can have a lasting impact on mobility, strength, and endurance.


What does that mean for victims? Again, their earning potential and quality of life can be diminished temporarily or long-term- which is why it is essential to speak to us as soon as possible.


Injuries to Arms and Legs


Our arms and legs are vulnerable in high-impact collisions such as car crashes. They are often the first body parts to take a hit, and the damage can sit anywhere on a vast scale of severity. Some possibilities include:



Broken, dislocated, or muscle-damaged arms, legs, and shoulders can be extremely painful and interfere with a person’s life for weeks, months, or even years. If someone caused those injuries through negligent driving, they should be held accountable- even if you don’t think it’s a big deal. Even soft-tissue damage can interfere with your life for a while, so never underestimate what your suffering is worth.


On the other end of the scale, amputations are life-changing. Losing a limb affects everything about the way a person lives, and it can also have a severe impact on their mental health. Dealing with an amputation and the changes that come with it is easier with the financial support owed to you as a victim.


We understand how traumatic this type of injury can be, and we are here to support you however we can. The best way we do that is by fighting your case with every ounce of passion we have. Our experience handling these delicate cases makes us the perfect choice of injury lawyer for amputees.


Contact a Leading Car Accident Injury Lawyer Today 


Retaining our lawyers means having the most dedicated, aggressive, relentless legal team behind you at every twist and turn. Whatever your injury has thrown at you, we are here to hit back with an iron-clad case that demands maximum compensation and justice.


No battle is too tough or long for us, and we stay dedicated to you throughout the journey. Don’t let insurance bullies and legal loopholes leave you in the lurch- let us be your shield against injustice.


Contact us today for a car accident injury law team:



Reach out to us today to take the first step towards justice for you and your family.