
The Pig

I heard strange noises outside my bedroom one night, I went to go check outside with my camera, hoping to capture something, I realized it was just a group of pigs, (I live near livestock so it makes sense.) But one looked odd, I shined my camera light at it, it started chasing me, I at least got this shot before I ran inside, I couldn't sleep that night, next morning all of the pigs were gone....


I was sleeping, I felt water dripping on my face, I looked up, there were MANY holes in the ceiling, they were dripping water. I went to the stairs to see if I could do anything with the holes. I heard loud footsteps, like a horse clapping with it's hooves, but on carpet instead, I was frightened to see this coming down the stairs! In a heartbeat I ran outside. I had to ask Dan if I could stay the night at his place. That night was kind of a blur...

I.C.U. Laboratories

My next place for disturbing discoveries, I have heard that this place is some military test unit... And that it has had some, occurrences of... unexplainable anomaly's... I am ready, this will be my BIG hit.... I am excited for this....