Samuel Jelbart

Postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Vienna

About Me

I am an applied mathematician with a background in the analysis of dynamical systems characterised by multiple time-scales or abrupt transitions. The use of geometric methods is a common theme in my research.

I have an expertise in the analysis of ordinary differential equations and non-smooth systems, but a broader interest in the dynamics of maps, partial differential equations and non-autonomous systems. More recently I have been interested in the development and application of rigorous geometric approaches to model reduction in complex dynamical systems.

Current Position

I am currently employed as a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Technical University of Vienna in Austria. I work on Model Reduction for Complex Systems with Exponential Nonlinearity via Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory. My position is hosted by Prof. Peter Szmolyan. The project also involves secondments and partners from mathematics and systems biology departments at the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, and the University of Montpellier, France.

Previous Positions

I did my undergraduate, honours and PhD degrees at the University of Sydney, Australia. My PhD was supervised by Prof. Martin Wechselberger and A. Prof. Kristian Uldall Kristiansen (Technical University of Denmark). I also worked briefly as a research assistant at the University of Sydney after completing my PhD in August 2020.

Between February 2021 and March 2024  I worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the SFB/TRR 109 Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics grant project B10. I worked under the supervision of Prof. Christian Kühn , within the Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics group at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.