Samuel J Mann, PhD


In am an Associate Economist at RAND Corporation, a Research Affiliate at IZA, a Research Affiliate at the Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data, and Methods, and a Research Fellow at the Global Labor Organization. 

I received my UK Economic and Social Research Council funded PhD in Economics from Swansea University, my MSc in Applied Economics from the University of Nottingham, and my BA(Hons) in Business Management: Economics from the University of Westminster.

I am an Applied Micro-Economist who has interests in Health Economics, Labor Economics, LGBTQ+ Economics, and Public Economics. Broadly, my research studies health and labour market disparities and the role of public policies and programs in reducing these disparities. My research has previously been published in leading economics, health policy, public health, and health services research journals such as the American Journal of Health Economics, American Journal of Public Health, Health Affairs, Health Services Research, Labour Economics, and Public Choice.

Follow me on Twitter @samueljamesmann