Industry engagement

We are seeking to make our expertise and the tools we devise benefit industries interested in quantum technologies.

There are numerous ways we can collaborate, from short-term collaborative projects to long-term partnerships, and we are always looking forward to new industry partners, in a diversity of application sectors for quantum technologies including civil engineering, positioning and navigation systems, healthcare, energy and space technology.

We provide consultancy based on our expertise in quantum science and devices, modelling and digital simulation capabilities.


DASA Open Call for Innovation: Quantum Enhanced Navigation (DSTL-funded – Industry partner: MBDA). 

Role: As technical lead of the project, I am developing the first digital twin of a quantum sensor for gravity map-matching aided navigation in view of interfacing it with existing industrial navigation solutions. 

Q-ACE (UK Space Agency funded – Industry partners: Thales Alenia Space/Teledyne-e2v) aiming at developing a quantum accelerometer operating from space for climate and atmospheric research. 

Role: Workpackage leader, University of Birmingham technical lead and contact point – In charge of the quantum sensor payload, informing design decisions through digital simulation and working closely with system engineers in Thales and Teledyne-e2v.

Gravity Delve (Innovate UK funded – Industry partner: Nemein Ltd.) aiming at quantum environmental sensing, geothermal energy harvesting and carbon capture and storage. 

Role: In charge of modelling and understanding the influence of systematic effects associated with operating in the field.

Consultancy on "Alternative navigation for submarines via gravity gradient map matching with quantum technology" for BAE Systems (led by University of Birmingham)

Role: Workpackage leader for “Navigation approaches and roadmap”.

Public engagement

Invited panel expert at Birmingham Tech Week 2023 - Session “The Tech that makes tomorrow works”