I am always keen to accept any opportunity that comes my way as I believe that as individuals we need to live realizing that tomorrow it’s another day and the perfect time to act it is currently. In future I want to own a business because as a teacher I will not be at work the whole day and am free on weekends so I want to own a business that will benefit my community, I want to own an internet café. I have a dream of create job opportunities that will make an influence resolving the socio economic factors that we are facing in our country. I am not brought down by obstacles and life conditions I come across rather I make what is best out of any sorts of circumstance I get. My short term goal is to pass all my modules with flying colours. I decided to study B.Ed. Because I think I will be a super teacher, I want to develop children and I believe I can change their life's, I think I can help children in my community to make good decision about their future and make them to become effective members of the community.