Ms. Sams 7-8 ELA
Part of my Family
Kelly Sams Ext. 1040
Hello, I teach seventh and eighth-grade language arts. This is my seventh year at Oak Grove. I have a fantastic family, an adorable cat, Lola, four amazing nieces, one adorable nephew, and three incredible great-nephews. In January, will have a great niece. I love reading and writing. Teaching is my passion and I am thrilled to be a part of the Oak Grove Eagle Community. Please get in touch with me with any questions or concerns. It is a great year to be an eagle.
Homework Board Link:
Please see the grade level tabs at the top of the page for specific details on your child's curriculum and assignments.
There is a Curriculum Objection Form is below if anyone needs it. Also, Mrs. Almasi our curriculum director will help with alternative assignments.
Classroom Policies:
Grading Scale:
94-100 A
93-85 B
84-77 C
76-70 D
69 and below F
Assignment Policies
Assignments are due on the assigned date and at the start of class.
You will be given one grace day to turn in an assignment on the next school day. After that, it is 10% off every day it is late. (Due Mon. Tues. Grace Day, Wed. 90% credit, Thurs. 80% credit, credit Fri.- 70% credit the following Mon. 60% credit). The assignment will be a zero after it is a week late.
On the second day, if the assignment is late the adult(s) responsible for you will be notified.
Be flexible
Be safe
Be responsible
Be respectful
Classroom Management
This year we are using a card system and teacher ease to help us record behavior data and encourage students to take on additional accountability and self-monitoring. One card(gold) will be used to mark minor (yellow) behaviors, and one card (tan) will be used to issue warnings/consequences for more disruptive/problematic (orange) behaviors. Extremely disruptive or dangerous (red) behaviors will be immediate detention and/or office referrals. The cards are in an envelope pasted at the front of your child's assignment notebook. Minor behaviors (orange/gold card) will result in detention once the boxes are filled. Warning (tan card) has the consequences listed on the card. The first two marks are warnings and will be recorded in TeacherEase. The third mark is a phone call home and this will also be recorded in TeacherEase. The fourth one will be a detention and parent contact. The fifth one will be an office referral.
Green Behaviors earn DoJo points
Having all your supplies
Raising your hand and waiting to be called on.
Being a good listener
Helping a classmate or staff member in need
Being Respectful
Using teacher/school's belongings with care.
Setting a good example for a younger student.
Following the Eagle Way.
Completing class goals.
Yellows Behaviors - Mark (gold card)
Talking when you should be listening.
Teasing another student by swiping their belongings.
Pulling another student's focus from class.
Being too loud in the hall.
Sitting somewhere other than your assigned seat.
Attempts to gaslight the teacher.
Trying to get the lesson off-topic or being a comedian.
Throwing an item to someone instead of handing it to them.
Getting out of your seat to go visit a friend.
Using language that is not appropriate for school.
Running in the hall.
Orange behaviors Warning- (tan card)
Cussing or swearing.
Being disruptive while someone else is speaking or the teacher is teaching.
Leaving the classroom without permission.
Getting in any of the teacher areas without permission.
Standing on furniture.
Throwing items at someone else.
Chasing another student around the classroom.
Dress code violations.
Red Behaviors- Detention or office referral
Cussing at another student or staff member.
Deliberately injuring another person
Verbal abuse/threats
Arguments or deliberate distractions that attempt to disrupt the learning environment after you have received a mark.
Physical fighting.