Research Overview

Dissertation work: My dissertation papers focus on water infrastructure, water affordability, nutrient runoff, and agro-environmental policies in the US. I have used both primary data that I collected through surveys and secondary data in my research projects. I have also worked in interdisciplinary teams where I have collaborated with Agronomists and Civil Engineers. 

Research agenda: I want to use both stated and revealed preference tools to study water and agro-environmental policies. Most of my works in progress are related to water, but in the future, I want to explore issues related to climate, forests, land use, and disaster management. While most of my current work is based in the US, I am looking forward to engaging more in projects in developing countries. 

Research Projects

Job Market Paper

"Aging infrastructure, affordability, and legacy costs: Consumers’ willingness to pay for risk reduction", Sampriti Sarkar*, Frank Lupi 

Presentation: AERE 2024, AAEA 2024 

Papers under review 

Presentation: Best Presentation Award, AFRE Qualifying Examination, 2023;  3rd Position in Best Presentation Award, GAC, MSU, 2023; AAEA 2022

Working Papers

 Presentation: AAEA 2024

Work in progress

Presentation: AAEA 2023

Presentation: AAEA 2023

AAEA 2022

Lightning Talk (7 minutes)

AAEA 2023

Paper Presentation (15 minutes)

AAEA 2023

Poster Presentation