Why Federalist Papers on Term Limits For Congress Is So Important

Why Federalist Papers on Term Limits For Congress Is So Important

Why Federalist Papers on Term Limits For Congress Is So Important

The federalist papers are the most important papers for having a say in term limits for Congress. The Feds do not have the will or desire to deal with the issues concerning the federal budget and our nation's fiscal problems. For this reason, the two parties would like to limit our political will by implementing term limits.

Consider how a single congressperson's influence can lead to the proper amount of federal spending. When there is one member of congress who is a true citizen activist in his area, it is the desired effect.

The federalist papers on term limits on Congress are actually pretty interesting. The papers are mostly written by John C. Calhoun and James Wilson. They both are opposed to term limits for Congress. For them, term limits would allow too many people in Congress to make all the important decisions about our country's future.

The fact is that there is no valid reason for Congress to require Congress to have term limits. There is also no reason why the President should not serve a certain amount of time in office. Many of the writers are saying that there is no problem with making a larger number of Members of Congress into Presidents and Vice Presidents. But this is also a false argument, since they have already explained how Term Limits will force the President to serve more than one term.

It is a proper question to ask about term limits, but it would be a far better question to ask if the President and Congress need to be limited in terms of time in office. A lot of the writers who support term limits for Congress are saying that the creation of too many Senators and Representatives is a good thing. This is one of the reasons why the President should serve two terms.

The Constitution requires that the right amount of people begiven a seat in Congress. Some of the writers are saying that the quantity of legislators is the perfect number for ensuring the best product. Others, however, are against creating too many representatives who would have no real interest in representing their district.

There should be a balance between the legislative and the executive branches. I think that Congress should not be required to be limited in terms of time in office, or to create too many representatives. What Congress needs is the proper amount of people in office who could represent their constituents, so that they will get the proper amount of services.