I have received a free samknows WB8+ which most possibly is an MTK 7621 cpu powered router with antennas. But however after searching online for openwrt support, I couldnt find any solution for flashing it. One close solution I got is

SamKnows SK-WB8 [SamKnows SK-WB8] The SamKnows Whitebox 8 (SK-WB8) is SamKnow's measurement node for broadband connections in excess of 500Mbps and up to 1Gbps (which cannot be reliably measured by earlier incarnations of customized TP-Link...

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yeah saw that post, but he is probably getting an encrypted response or something. It probably needs to be decoded. and I took pictures of the hardware and compared it with WB8 it seems to be same except for the antennas and some new heatsinks and spreaders.:

- Phones home to the main NTP Samknows server over http to get time (rather than using NTP) and then the DCS server in the UK which is their command and control server. Uses a private SSL Certificate rather than a public one so I assume the image has that same cert embedded into it to stop people doing bad things with the testing.

- Does a lot of DNS requests across the globe to ispmon.samknows.mlab1v4.xxxyy.measurement-lab.org where xxx is the country code and yy is the number of the probe ie akl01 for NZ. Then runs a udp test to the end point to measure latency and jitter I suspect.

- Then hits a number of common websites over mostly HTTPS so can't really see what It is doing. www.google.co.nz/www.facebook.com/www.youtube.com/www.trademe.co.nz/nz.yahoo.com/www.stuff.co.nz(really?)/www.nzherald.co.nz/www.amazon.com/www.wikipedia.com/www.twitter.com for http sites it seems they do a download with the Firefox User Agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1\r\n" so I assume they do a CURL/WGET get the full "desktop" site and produce timings on that.

So it looks like they are doing all the right things. My line is terrible as I am right on the edge of VDSL coverage but it does show up the jitter and packet loss due to having a poor upstream connection (22mb down and 800kb, but more like 400-500kb up)

I wonder how much of an impact this box has on overall Internet - as in usually people would expect some times of the day to be "quiet" when now traffic will be competing for those much needed bits. Sure there's a minimum allocated for each users but still...

we currently just play the first video and failover to the second (and so on) if the first is blocked or has been removed. In the future we _may_ switch to using a reference video that we know is always available, will not be removed and will be available at the highest quality (e.g. 4K currently, maybe 8K in the future)

Mine just arrived today!

Glad I found this thread, I did have some concerns about privacy but it seems you have already looked into it. 

Just set it up between our pfSense Box and switch, it'll be seeing all of our traffic, WiFi included.

Looking forward to seeing the results! (2degrees Gigatown Plan)

Since then though the download tests have been all over the place - peak times seem the best, and off peak is the worst :) its almost like they are testing against a northern hemisphere server...anyone else noticed that? 152ee80cbc

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