
École Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technologie, SKIKDA.

Department: Physics and Chemical Sciences.

Pedagogical activities: Lectures, TD and TP.

Level: 4PEM- Fourth year middle school teacher.

Total Hourly: [30h (Lectures) + 27h (TD, TP)] x 8 years = 456h.

Discipline: NTIC is a class that provides students with tools and knowledge about the latest advancements and innovations in the field of information and communication technology. The class cover a wide range of topics including lectures and hands-on lab work about:

- Computer work environment.

- Main Office tools.

- Basic Web Techniques.

- Application of T.I.C in Physical and Chemical field. 

Department: Math and Computer Sciences.

Pedagogical activities: Lectures, TD and TP.

Level: 1PEM- First year middle school teacher.

Total Hourly: [30h (Lectures) + 20h (TD, TP)] x 3 years = 150h.

Discipline: The objective of CPA-1 module is to introduce first-year students to the basic principles that govern all existing computer components (Von Neumann's architecture, decomposition into layers from the hardware level to high-level programming, logic circuits and assembly language) and their impact on the computer environment, and more generally to introduce computer architecture to all those interested in this field. The class involves lectures and hands-on lab work in wide range of topics including:

- The evolution of digital electronics over a century and computer Science foundations.

- The elementary components, the 5 functions of a computer system and the von Newman machine architecture.

- The presentation of standardization of data storage (conversion to binary, binary calculations, standardization IEE754, characters ASCII, Unicode and other encodings).

- Logical and sequential circuits (We use Digsim tool for the simulations), their put into practice in the design of the machine (CPU and memory) and finally the low-level programming (we use assembler 8086: Emu8086).