Omar Sami Oubbati

Ph.D. in Computer Science
Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences)
IEEE Member
University Gustave Eiffel
Vehicular Communications - Elsevier
Address: LIGM - CNRS Laboratory
5, Boulevard Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne
77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2, France.
Office: 4B181

Email 1: oubbatisami AT gmail DOT com
Email 2: omar-sami.oubbati AT univ-eiffel DOT fr

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Short Bio

Omar Sami Oubbati is an Associate Professor at University Gustave Eiffel in the region of Paris, France. He is a member of the Gaspard Monge Computer Science laboratory  (LIGM CNRS UMR 8049). He received his degree of Engineer (2010), M.Sc. in Computer Engineering (2011), M.Sc. degree (2014), and a PhD in Computer Science (2018), all from University of Laghouat, Algeria. From Oct. 2016 to Oct. 2017, he was a Visiting PhD Student with the Laboratory of Computer Science, University of Avignon, France. He spent 6 years as an Assistant Professor at the Electronics department, University of Laghouat, Algeria and a Research Assistant in the Computer Science and Mathematics Lab (LIM) at the same university. His main research interests are in Flying and Vehicular ad hoc networks, Energy harvesting and Mobile Edge Computing, Energy efficiency and Internet of Things (IoT). He is the recipient of the 2019 Best Survey Paper for Vehicular Communications (Elsevier). He has actively served as a reviewer for flagship IEEE Transactions journals and conferences, and participated as a Technical Program Committee Member for a variety of international conferences, such as IEEE ICC, IEEE CCNC, IEEE ICCCN, IEEE WCNC, IEEE ICAEE, and IEEE ICAIT. He serves on the editorial board of Vehicular Communications Journal of Elsevier and Communications Networks Journal of Frontiersin. He has also served as guest editor for a number of international journals. He is a member of the IEEE and IEEE Communications Society. 

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