Sameem Sultan: Your Perfect Senior Account Manager And Business Developer

Your search for the best account manager and business developer comes to an end. Log into the LinkedIn profile and you will come across Sameem Sultan as your best help in town. With years of experience in the field of business development, you can always expect the best service from him. Not just working on developing your business, but you can consider giving him a call if you want an expert to manage the financial sector well. Right now, he is holding the post of Senior Account Executive with Sensor Tower, Inc. He is associated with this company from April 2017 and now willing to change to another company, in need of his help.

Your senior account executive:

Sameem is going to be your perfect senior account executive. No matter how big or small your firm is his service will help your business grow full time, and attract more customers for a profitable deal. Right now, his position makes him work on enterprise sales of the company’s mobile competitive insight platform. These are designed for some of the top level app developers. He holds 150% more quota in the first full quarter, which is Q3 of this year. Furthermore, he helped him current company gain new clients and some of the major ones in the industry. Some of them are Tencent America, King, ZeptoLab, Ironsource and AppLovin.

More on the variations:

You can always expect Mr. Sultan to build some SDR strategy for your business, which is currently revolving around the target based outbound sector. You can always expect the best from him, as he has experience in handling your sales sector well. He has some experience in consultative or relationship based selling. He helps in determining the use case and provides some of the data driven solutions. Just be sure to get to his experience first before you can easily hire him for your company.

What else to expect:

Right now, he holds the designation of being an Ambassador for the Sensor Tower, Inc., his current company in some of the major events. In these meetings, his main aim is to highlight some of his company’s products and the roadmap to C-level, whenever the need arises. His main intention is to help in proper growth of the company and attract more clients for better business deals later. Well, that’s what you are going to receive from the same team right away. He is able to present you with customer strategy after closing with ASO and UA consultancy.

Also worked as senior manager:

Before coming in direct contact with Sensor Tower, he was associated with BlueStacks, Inc. as senior manager of the business development for 2+ years. He joined the company in March 2015 and was there till April 2017. There he closed some of the top app developments to feature on the company’s Android proprietary software. He helped in proper connection of the company with UA community in the field of mobile gaming. So, if you want someone as a senior manager for business development, the sameem sultan review will show why he is the best choice.

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