Samuel Edwards
About Me
I am an Assistant Professor at Durham University. Previously, I held postdoctoral positions at the University of Bristol and Yale University I did both my undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees at Uppsala University.
I study problems related to automorphic functions and homogeneous dynamics. I am particularly interested in using methods from spectral and representation theory to prove results related to effective equidistribution. Here is a copy of my CV.
with Mikolaj Fraczyk, Minju Lee, and Hee Oh: Infinite volume and atoms at the bottom of the spectrum (to appear in Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 2023) arXiv
with Minju Lee and Hee Oh: Torus counting and self-joinings of Kleinian groups (Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 2024) link arXiv
with Hee Oh: Temperedness of L2(Γ \G) and positive eigenfunctions in higher rank (Communications of the AMS, 2023) link arXiv
with Minju Lee and Hee Oh: Uniqueness of conformal measures and local mixing for Anosov groups (Michigan Mathematical Journal - Prasad volume, 2022) link arXiv
with Minju Lee and Hee Oh: Anosov groups: local mixing, counting, and equidistribution (Geometry & Topology, 2023) link arXiv
with Hee Oh: Spectral gap and exponential mixing on geometrically finite manifolds (Duke Mathematical Journal, 2021) link arXiv
Effective equidistribution of the horocycle flow on geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces (IMRN, 2019) link arXiv
Renormalization of integrals of Eisenstein series and analytic continuation of representations (Journal of Number Theory, 2020) link arXiv
On the rate of equidistribution of expanding translates of horospheres in Γ\G (Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2021) link arXiv
On the rate of equidistibution of expanding horospheres in finite-volume quotients of SL(2,C) (Journal of Modern Dynamics, 2017) link arXiv
Some applications of representation theory in homogeneous dynamics and automorphic functions (Ph. D. Thesis, 2018) link
Effective equidistribution of horospheres in infinite volume quotients of SO(n,1) by geometrically finite groups (Ph. D. Thesis Chapter, 2018) link
On the equidistribution of translates of orbits of symmetric subgroups in Γ\G (Ph. D. Thesis Chapter, 2018) link
The rate of mixing for diagonal flows on spaces of affine lattices (M.Sc. Thesis, 2013) link