Minju Lee

I am an L. E. Dickson Instructor at University of Chicago. Previously, I held a postdoctoral position at Institute for Advanced Study.  

I received my Ph. D. from Yale University, under the supervison of Hee Oh.

My research interests includes dynamical systems, ergodic theory, homogeneous dynamics, hyperbolic geometry, Kleinian groups, and higher Teichmuller theory. 

Here is my CV.

I can be reached by (minju1 at uchicago.edu).

Publications and preprints:

12. Infinite volume and atoms at the bottom of the spectrum (with Sam Edwards, Mikolaj Fraczyk, and Hee Oh), To appear in Comptes Rendus Mathématique, arXiv:2304.14565

11. Discrete subgroups with finite Bowen-Margulis-Sullivan measure in higher rank (with Mikolaj Fraczyk), To appear in Geometry & Topology, 21 pages, arXiv:2305.00610

10. Torus counting and self-joinings of Kleinian group (with Sam Edwards and Hee Oh) J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle's journal) 807 (2024), 151-185, (Journal link)

9. Dichotomy and measures on limit sets of Anosov groups (with Hee Oh), Int. Math. Res. Notices, (2024), no. 7, 5658-5688, (Journal link)

8. Uniqueness of conformal measures and local mixing for Anosov groups (with Sam Edwards, and Hee Oh) Michigan Math. J. 72 (Prasad Volume), 243-259, (Journal link)

7. Horospherical invariant measures and a rank dichotomy for Anosov groups (with Or Landesberg, Elon Lindenstrauss, and Hee Oh), Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol 19 (2023), 331-362 (Journal link)

6. The Hopf-Tsuji-Sullivan dichotomy in higher rank and applications to Anosov subgroups (with Marc Burger, Or Landesberg, and Hee Oh), Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol 19 (2023), 301-330 (Journal link)

5. Ergodic decompositions of geometric measures on Anosov homogeneous spaces (with Hee Oh), Israel Journal of mathematics, Vol 260 (2024), 195-234 (Journal link)

4. Invariant measures for horospherical actions and Anosov groups (with Hee Oh), Int. Math. Res. Notices, (2023), no 19, 16226-16295 (Journal link)

3. Anosov groups : local mixing, counting, and equidistribution (with Sam Edwards, and Hee Oh), Geometry & Topology, 27 (2023), 513-573 (Journal link)

2. Topological proof of Benoist-Quint's orbit closure theorem for SO(d,1) (with Hee Oh) Journal of Modern Dynamics. Vol 15 (2019), 263-276,  (Journal link)

1. Orbit closures of unipotent flows for hyperbolic manifolds with Fuchsian Ends (with Hee Oh) To appear in Geometry & Topology, arXiv:1902.06621 


AMS Spring Central Sectional meeting: Developments in hyperbolic-like geometry and dynamics, 04. 20-21. 2024

Geometry seminar, University of Michigan, 12. 01. 2023

Geometry seminar, Rice University, Fall 2023

Homogeneous dynamics and Geometry in Higher Rank Lie groups, IHES, 06.21~06.22.2023

Dynamics, Rigidity, and arithmetic in Hyperbolic Geometry, ICERM, 05.17.2023

Dynamics seminar, University of Chicago, Fall 2022

Ergodic Geometry and Margulis' Legacy: the Next Generation, Summer 2022

Topology and geometry seminar, NUS, Spring 2022

Arithmetic group seminar, IAS, 02.16.2022

Virtual seminar on geometry and topology, Joint seminar of KAIST and KIAS, Fall 2021

Virginia Topology conference, Fall 2021

Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft : Thin groups and Super-approximation, Fall 2021

Short talk by postdoctoral members, IAS, 09.27.2021

Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometry and Topology (NCNGT), Summer 2021 

Heidelberg Differential geometry seminar, 5.27.2021

Diophantine approximation and homogeneous dynamics (DAHD) webinar, 3.17.2021

New England dynamics and number theory seminar, Joint seminar of Brandeis University and Wesleyan University, 3.8.2021

Group action seminar, UC San Diego, 1.12.2021

Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory seminar, Joint seminar of University of Zurich and ETH, 11.09.2020

Midwest dynamics seminar, Joint seminar of Chicago, IU, Northwestern, Michigan and UIC, 11.02.2020

Group action and Dynamics seminar, Yale University, Fall 2020

Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft : Zimmer's conjecture, Fall 2019

CMC Dynamics seminar, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Summer 2019