Appliance Brands We Fix

Our days are dictated so much by the appliances and tools we use, around our home, that when something doesn’t work correctly, you notice the effects. That is something that many of our customers mention to us, once we’ve had a chance to fix their broken machine. From the moment their home appliance breaks down, they realize that without a properly functioning dishwasher (for example), their evening schedule is shifted unexpectedly by the time it takes to wash dishes by hand.

24/7 Same Day Appliance Repair Service

Or their job interview is at risk because the shirt they expected to wear – their lucky shirt – was ruined by an

overheated dryer. We don’t realize that we take many of these day-to-day tasks we do for granted and don’t realize the real impact it has when we cannot do them efficiently. We run this business because we believe that with our technicians’ skills, there’s no reason why anyone should wait around in inconvenience by a broken down machine.

So whatever age or brand name you own (be it common or rare, like Amana), we encourage you to give us a call the moment you notice anything wrong with your machine. The sooner you call, the sooner we can diagnose the problem and the faster you will be on your way back to your routine. With same-day, on-site services, there is no reason why you should go a minute longer than you need to before your appliance is fixed and working correctly again.

Contact Us

Same Day Appliance Repair

411 Confederation Pkwy #12

Concord, ON L4K 0A8

Hours: Mon - Sun : 09:00 am - 09:00 pm


Phone: 647-725-2212

Toll Free: 1-888-705-7222

Emergency 24/7 Service Available at Special Rates

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