Samaria Montenegro Guzmán
Samaria Montenegro Guzmán
Associate Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica
Associate Professor, Universidad de Costa Rica
Contact Information
Contact Information
Phone: (506) 2511-3716
About me
About me
I am an associate professor at the math department at the Universidad de Costa Rica.
I am also a researcher at CIMPA.
My research interest is in algebra and model theory, specifically model theory of fields.
I am also interested in the study of gender in mathematics and science. Additionally, I am currently part of a research project that studies gender within the production of knowledge.
I received my Ph.D in 2015 at Universite Paris-Diderot (Paris-France) under the supervision of Zoé Chatzidakis
During 2015-2017 I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá-Colombia.
View my CV here