Sam Simon

I recently defended my PhD in Mathematics at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Based on the exposition of my work and presentation, I was awarded the degree with with distinction. My areas of research include combinatorics under the supervision of Marni Mishna (with an analytic flavor) and Jonathan Jedwab (combinatorial designs/coding theory). I completed my Masters degree in Mathematics under the co-supervision of Jonathan Jedwab and Marni Mishna at SFU. I completed my undergrad at Carnegie Mellon University, where I double majored in Math and Physics. 

My main area of study is combinatorics. I love finding patterns among objects and discovering what properties drive their behavior. My current area of work is in lattice paths, where I use analytic combinatorics to determine the asymptotics of certain weighted walks in a given region. I also am working on finding additional structure within Hadamard matrices. In the past few years I have been entering the world of data science and machine learning. I participated in the 2021 Math to the Power Industry workshop where I worked on a project looking at voting data for the Canadian legislature. In 2023, I completed the SFU Data Fellowship: AI Essentials course. 

I am involved in the following communities at SFU