Module 4: Traditional Ecological Knowledge

In this Module you will complete 3 activities below:

  1. Review "Wild Salmon of the Napa River" presentation (Storymap - 5 minutes)

  2. Watch 2 videos and answer the embedded questions (15 minutes)

  3. Review the Google slideshow "Taking Action" to prepare for your presentation (Slides - 8 minutes)

After completing these activities visit the Student Project Exchange to make your own recommendations in the form of a presentation.

1. Review the StoryMap below and enter your zip code to determine the indigenous territory you reside within.

2. Watch both videos below and answer the questions within.

Video 1: sčədadxʷ (salmon) (4:57)

Video 2: The Sky is the Roof (9:05)

3. Volunteering, reducing your footprint, and environmental advocacy are all ways to restore native salmon to the Napa River. Follow the slideshow below to see how you can take action.

S2S Mod 4 Actions

After completing these activities visit the Student Project Exchange to make your own recommendations in the form of a presentation.