Stepbrother Sabotage

Stepbrother Sabotage (hardcover & paperback)

It’s summer again. Before Josh can say p-e-s-t, his stepbrother Jake will arrive for his annual visit. Last time Jake turned Josh’s bunk bed into a fort and attacked Josh with a squirt gun, rearranged all the furniture to block the front door, and ate a whole jar of pickles without getting sick. That was just the beginning! Even the family dog hides under the table when Jake comes to stay. How is Josh supposed to treat Jake like a brother when Jake sabotages his every move? Sally Wittman has written a warm, touching, and very funny story about two boys who become brothers in spite of themselves.
Grades 2-5

Autographed Hardcover library Edition (left cover, stronger with orange endpapers) $12.00 plus $3.95 postage

Autographed Paperback Edition (right cover) $7.00 plus $3.95 postage.

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