sally vistalli, M.SC.


About me

I am an aspiring behavioral and evolutionary biologist who graduated from a Master of Science degree in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France) in 2021.

I am particularly interested in ecology, evolution, behavior, birds in general (I love them!), conservation, social learning and information use.

Currently, I am taking a year break from my academic carreer to seek more fieldwork experience before embarking on the PhD journey and I am therefore looking for a fieldwork technician/assistant position in behavioral and avian ecology.

In my off time, I like to spend as much time as possible in nature and I am very fond of hiking and horse riding. However, my favorite hobby is and will always be bird watching !

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information about my background and qualifications, and my expectations for the future!


To find more about my past projects, check out my CV and Publications.