Practical 3

Figure 1: Generative AI 

Figure 2: Evolution of Generative AI

Definition of Generative AI: Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data. The recent buzz around generative AI has been driven by the simplicity of new user interfaces for creating high-quality text, graphics (Figure 1) and videos in a matter of seconds.

Evolution of Generative AI

Generative AI was introduced in the 1960s (Figure 2) in chatbots. But it was not until 2014, with the introduction of generative adversarial networks, or GANs -- a type of machine learning algorithm -- that generative AI could create convincingly authentic images, videos and audio of real people.

The GANs has today opened up opportunities that include better movie dubbing and rich educational content. It also unlocked concerns about deepfakes -- digitally forged images or videos -- and harmful cybersecurity attacks on businesses, including nefarious requests that realistically mimic an employee's boss.

Advancement in Generative AI

Two additional recent advances that will be discussed in more detail below have played a critical part in generative AI going mainstream: transformers and the breakthrough language models they enabled. 

1.      Transformers: transformers are a type of machine learning that made it possible for researchers to train ever-larger models without having to label all of the data in advance. New models could thus be trained on billions of pages of text, resulting in answers with more depth. In addition, transformers unlocked a new notion called attention that enabled models to track the connections between words across pages, chapters and books rather than just in individual sentences. And not just words: Transformers could also use their ability to track connections to analyze code, proteins, chemicals and DNA.

2.      Breakthrough in Generative AI: The rapid advances in so-called large language models (LLMs) -- i.e., models with billions or even trillions of parameters -- have opened a new era in which generative AI models can write engaging text, paint photorealistic images and even create somewhat entertaining sitcoms on the fly. Moreover, innovations in multimodal AI enable teams to generate content across multiple types of media, including text, graphics and video. This is the basis for tools like Dall-E that automatically create images from a text description or generate text captions from images.

These breakthroughs notwithstanding, are still in the early days of using generative AI to create readable text and photorealistic stylized graphics. Early implementations have had issues with accuracy and bias, as well as being prone to hallucinations and spitting back weird answers. Still, progress thus far indicates that the inherent capabilities of this generative AI could fundamentally change enterprise technology how businesses operate. Going forward, this technology could help write code, design new drugs, develop products, redesign business processes and transform supply chains.

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI starts with a prompt that could be in the form of a text, an image, a video, a design, musical notes, or any input that the AI system can process. Various AI algorithms then return new content in response to the prompt. Content can include essays, solutions to problems, or realistic fakes created from pictures or audio of a person.

Early versions of generative AI required submitting data via an API or an otherwise complicated process. Developers had to familiarize themselves with special tools and write applications using languages such as Python.

Now, pioneers in generative AI are developing better user experiences that let you describe a request in plain language. After an initial response, you can also customize the results with feedback about the style, tone and other elements you want the generated content to reflect.


Lawton, G. (2023). What is generative AI? Everything you need to know. Retrieved from on February, 2024