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Artículos publicados


28. Measuring irreversibility via trend pattern lengths, Jessica Morales Herrera and Raúl Salgado-García. AIP Advances 14, 035226 (2024). ¡Editor's Pick!

27. Active chiral dynamics and boundary accumulation phenomenon in confined camphor particles. José-Manuel Cruz, Orlando Díaz-Hernández, Oscar Andrés Castañeda Jonapa, Gustavo Antonio Morales Padrón, Alberto Estudillo, and Raúl Salgado-García.  Soft Matter (2024), vol 20, pp. 1199-1209.

26. Sorting ECGs by lag irreversibility, Nazul Merino-Negrete, Cesar Maldonado, Raúl Salgado-García, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 459, 134022 (2024).


25. Low-Frequency Heat Waves Transport in Graded Si–Ge Alloys. Iván Rivera, Raúl Salgado-García, and Federico Vázquez. AIP Advances 1 October 2023; 13 (10): 105029. 

24. A stochastic model of the Aedes aegypti life cycle and the dengue virus transmission, José-Manuel Cruz, Jorge González-Gutiérrez, R. Salgado-García and O. Díaz-Hernández. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(10), 6241; 



23.Time-irreversibility test for random-length time series: the matching-time approach applied to DNA. R. Salgado-García. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31 (12), 123126 (2021). 

22. Active particles in reactive disordered media: how does adsorption affects diffusion? R. Salgado-García. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 603, 127702 (2022).


21. On the Correspondence between Subshifts of Finite Type and Statistical Mechanics Models. A. Corona, R. Salgado-García, E. Ugalde. Entropy 2022, 24 (12), 1772

20. Open Markov chains: cumulant dynamics, fluctuations and correlations. R. Salgado-García, Entropy 23(2), 256 (2021). 34 pages.

19. Estimating entropy rate from censored symbolic time series: a test for time-irreversibility, R. Salgado-García and Cesar Maldonado. Chaos 31, 013131 (2021). 19 pages.

años anteriores

18. Freezing phase transition in a fractal potential. Cesar Maldonado and R Salgado-García, J. Stat. Mech. 033203 (2019). 21 pages.

17.Noise-induced rectification in out-of-equilibrium structures. R. Salgado-García, Physical Review E, 99, 012128 (2019). 9 pages.

16. Scarce defects induce anomalous diffusion, M. Hidalgo-Soria and R. Salgado-García, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 043301 (2017). 20 pages.

15. Degenerated ground-states in a spin chain with pair interactions: a characterization by symbolic dynamics, L. A. Corona and R. Salgado-García, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 123208 (2016). 18 pages. 

14. Symbolic complexity for nucleotide sequences: a sign of the genome structure, R. Salgado-García and E Ugalde, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 445601 (2016). 21 pages.

13. Stochastic and Non-linear Dynamics in Low Temperature Plasmas, A. Figueroa, R. Salgado-García, J. Rodríguez, F.B. Yousif, M.A Rivera and F. Vázquez,  "Plasma Science and Technology". Editorial Intech, 2016. 30 pages.

12. Normal and anomalous diffusion of Brownian particles on disordered potentials, R. Salgado-García, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 453, 55-64 (2016). 10 pages. 

11. Unbiased diffusion of Brownian particles on disordered correlated potentials, Raúl Salgado-García and Cesar Maldonado, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P06012 (2015). 24 pages. 

10. Effective diffusion coefficient in tilted disordered potentials: Optimal relative diffusivity at a finite temperature, R. Salgado-Garcia, Phys. Rev. E 90, 032105 (2014). 13 pages. 

9. Normal-to-anomalous diffusion transition in disordered correlated potentials: From the central limit theorem to stable laws, R. Salgado-García and Cesar Maldonado, Phys. Rev. E 88, 062143 (2013). 10 pages.

8. Exact scaling in the expansion-modification system, R. Salgado-García and E. Ugalde, Journal of Statistical Physics 153, 842-863 (2013). 22 pages.

7. Markov approximations of Gibbs measures for long-range interactions on 1D lattices, Cesar Maldonado and Raúl Salgado-García, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Theory and Experiment P08012 (2013). 14 pages.

6. Resonant Response in Non-Equilibrium Steady States, R. Salgado-Garcia, Phys. Rev. E 85, 051130 (2012).

5. Occurrence and robustness of current reversals in overdamped deterministic ratchet under symmetric forcing, R. Salgado-García, G. Martínez-Mekler and M. Aldana, Phys. Rev. E 78, 011126 (2008).

4. Analytical approach to the time-dependent probability density function in tilted periodic potentials, R. Salgado-García, F. Leyvraz and G. Martinez-Mekler, Phys. Rev. E 78, 061101 (2008).

3. Deterministic ratchets, circle maps and current reversals, R. Salgado-García, M. Aldana and G. Martinez-Mekler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 134101 (2006).

2. Replication ratchets: polymer transport enhanced by complementarity, G. Cocho, A. Cruz, G. Martínez-Mekler, and R. Salgado-García, Physica A 327, 151 (2003).

1. Interface magnetopolaron in III-V nitride single heterostructures, R. Salgado-García, M. E. Mora-Ramos and L. M. Gaggero-Sager, Physica Status Solidi (b) 232, No. 1, 138-141 (2002).