

  • Unemployment By Lockdown Restriction Incorporating Political Parties

  • Unemployment vs Deaths by 100,000

  • GDP, Employment By Sector

  • IT Score by Industry

  • Labor Force Age Distribution & Participation Rate

  • Employment Change — Pre/Post-Pandemic

Unemployment By Lockdown Restriction Incorporating Political Parties

This graph describes the policy approach each state has taken in terms of lockdown. Higher Restriction Scores indicate more aggressive lockdowns in the state.
  • The graph tends to indicate that more aggressive lockdowns have led to a higher unemployment level. While, states with Democratic leaders have chosen more aggressive lockdowns on average, Republican led states have chosen less restrictive lockdowns as indicated by the graph.

Unemployment vs Deaths by 100,000

Each point on this graph indicates the unemployment rate by state and the respective governor party. In this graph we can see that higher unemployment rates can be associated to a high death rates. Yet, most of the state tend to have lower unemployment rates and have a death rate between 0 and 75 per 100,000.

GDP, Employment by Sector

"GDP by Sector" shows what percentage of the total GDP each industry holds Pre-COVID-19.

  • Some data may be unavailable due to confidential information by the Bureau of Economic Analysis' CAGDP2 Report. Thus, some industries may have no data to report and are given a value of 0.00. To remedy this issue the best we can, we added a variable called "Missing values (Estimate)" that holds/bundles all industries with no data to report. We accomplish this by subtracting the total GDP by the sum of all industries with data to report. Different shades of colored bars represent the bar's percentage intensity.
  • Full y-axis label names (unordered): Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction; Utilities; Construction; Manufacturing; Wholesale trade; Retail trade; Transportation and warehousing; Information; Finance and insurance; Real estate and rental and leasing; Professional and business services Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services; Educational services; Health care and social assistance; Arts, entertainment, and recreation; Accommodation and food services; Other services (except government and government enterprises); Government and government enterprises; Missing values (Estimate).

"Employment by Sector" shows what percentage of the total employees each industry holds Pre-COVID-19.

  • Full y-axis label names (ordered): Government; Professional and business services; Health care and social assistance; Retail trade; Accommodation and food services; Manufacturing; Administrative and support services; Construction; Finance and insurance; Transportation and warehousing; Other services; Wholesale trade; Educational services; Information; Arts, entertainment, and recreation; Real estate and rental and leasing; Utilities; Waste management and remediation services.

IT Score by Industry

This figure shows each industry, and the computed IT Score. This score shows each industries use of technology and digitalization, which can be an indicator of those who are more able to work from home.

Labor Force Age Distribution & Participation Rate

"Labor Force Age Distribution" shows the age distribution of the labor force within each sector.
"Labor Force Participation Rate 20-22" describes the dip in labor force participation in 2020 caused by COVID-19 and its economic impact, showing the rate from January 2020 through June 2022. "Historical Labor Force Participation Rate" shows the magnitude the COVID-19 pandemic had on Labor Force Participation.

Employment Change — Pre/Post-Pandemic

These figures show the monthly change in percentage of employees by industry.
  • Industries without a bar indicate a zero percent change in the number of jobs compared to the previous month. Different shades of colored bars represent the bar's percent change intensity.
  • Full y-axis label names (ordered): Total nonfarm; Construction; Manufacturing; Wholesale trade; Retail trade; Transportation and warehousing; Utilities; Information; Finance and insurance; Real estate and rental and leasing; Professional and business services; Administrative and support services; Waste management and remediation services; Educational services; Health care and social assistance; Arts, entertainment, and recreation; Accommodation and food services; Other services; Government.