Optical Imaging & Intelligent Processing (OIIP) Lab 

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

California State University, Chico


to the Optical Imaging & Intelligent Processing (OIIP) Lab at California State University, Chico, a laboratory dedicated to the development of novel optical imaging, signal and image processing algorithms, machine learning and deep learning models for broad applications in bioimaging, healthcare, robotics, physical science, and industrial inspection.

4/12/2024Congratulations to Dr. Salehi on achieving tenure and being promoted to the rank of Associate Professor!

5/04/2023 – Dr. Salehi has accepted a Visiting Professor position at Harvard University, Medical School for Summer 2023 to conduct research on optical imaging and AI development for healthcare.

5/19/2022 – Dr. Salehi was recognized as an International Outstanding Professor of the Year by the California State University, Chico.

4/4/2022 – Our paper published at SPIE Medical Imaging Conference! 

10/10/2021Andrew Romero presented our research at IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference!

7/27/2021 – Our paper published in Elsevier Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine!

7/12/2021 – Dr. Salehi was recognized as an "SPIE Community Champion" among the scientific community for his multitudinous contributions.

6/30/2020 – Dr. Zakeri (PI) and Dr. Salehi (Co-PI) have been awarded a CSU ARI Grant.

6/11/2020 – Our paper has been accepted by Elsevier Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine!

5/18/2020 – Two papers published at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing!

12/19/2019 – Our paper published at IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA)!

8/22/2019 – Dr. Salehi (Principal Investigator) along with his collaborators have been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant.

We are grateful for the funding support from