Saint Newman Fellowship
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Heart Speaks to HeartWe are a Catholic homeschool group in North Texas. Our focus is on fellowship in the living presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and our classes and co-op meetings follow the Charlotte Mason method to offer our students a truly Classical education. We have several different ways to get involved, of which you can join as many or as few as best fit your family's flourishing!
From September through May, our main activities are scheduled like this:
1st Friday ~ Reading Group for Mothers / Park Day for Kids
2nd & 4th Fridays ~ Nature Study
3rd Friday ~ Oratory Co-op
When you join St. Newman Fellowship you will be added to our group's communication app where you can view our full calendar, connect with other member families, and stay in touch about all our events throughout the year.
CM Reading Group / Park Day
This year we will read and discuss Vol. 3: School Education of Charlotte Mason's writings on education. We meet one Friday morning each month at a park in Arlington. Children hang out at the playground while mothers discuss. This discussion group is part book club, part homeschool support group. It is St. Newman Fellowship's mission to inspire, encourage, and extend practical support through fellowship to Catholic homeschooling families.
Free online text HERE. Or purchase paperback on Amazon: Volume 3: School Education-- Living Book Press Paperback
St. Newman Fellowship families with children aged 6 and up may inquire about joining our “Oratory” days. This is a monthly Friday co-op day featuring a different feast of subjects each year. We strive to offer meaningful subjects that are engaging and enriching to a wide range of ages and that lend themselves to group instruction. Some of our past subjects include Shakespeare, science labs, clay modeling, brush drawing, Swedish drill, solfa, Spanish, recitation, and folk dancing.
For the 2024-2025 school year we are thrilled to offer folk song and hymn singing, folk dancing, drawing instruction, and recitation. There is also optional time for Eucharistic Adoration as the morning draws to a close. We conclude the year with an end-of-year showcase to celebrate the year's accomplishments!
Nature Club
Two Fridays each month, we meet at local nature parks for a brief lesson and lots of time to explore and observe the natural world. Families join when they can and bring their own nature journals and simple art supplies to write and draw descriptions of the beauty they observe. A short nature lesson is given before the nature walk, and drawing and recording written observations is modeled with ample time for questions and guidance.
Nature study is an integral aspect of a Charlotte Mason education. Cultivating the practice of observing and wondering about the natural world of Creation is the foundation and jumping-off point of all future scientific inquiry. Keeping a nature journal helps children and parents alike to look closely and record observations about the world around us.