Special Session on Semantic Artificial Intelligence in Social Networks and Social Media
(25-27 February 2021, Co-located with ISIC 2021)
Aims and Scope
Artificial Intelligence is no longer a science fiction dream. A variety of applications ranging from voice based assistants like Alexa, Siri to self-driving cars have become a reality. Semantic technologies such as natural language processing, facial recognition, speech recognition, real-time object detection, etc. have played an important role in these applications.The sophisticated semantic technologies have also found many applications in social networks. Approximately 3.8 billion people are active on social media with the number increasing by more than 9 percent. These users constantly update their status, tweet their every move and thought, upload new photos and videos, or post new thoughts and conversations. The marketers use this information to target customers and sell products by using artificial intelligence. Social networking websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter aims to build semantic artificial intelligence systems that are better than humans. Various semantic technologies are being used in social networks for improved customer service and marketing of products effectively. Eye tracking technologies for saliency detection, hate speech detection, fake news detection are some of the recent advancements and challenging issues in social networks.
The proposed special sessions aims to demonstrate the intelligent techniques employed by academicians, researchers and practitioners working in the field of social networks.