Stochastic and Geometric Mechanics of Resilient Structures

Welcome to the SGMRS Group, a collaborative community of research scholars from the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD). 

Our research group endeavours to forge novel theoretical frameworks for engineering phenomena, blending analytical prowess with advanced numerical techniques. We aim to craft robust and resilient architected materials that push the boundaries of possibility. Curious to see the minds at work? Meet the team here.


New Journal Papers

Sinha, R., Varma, T. V., & Sarkar, S. (2024). Effect of nonlocality on the dispersion relations of mechanical metamaterials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 109489. Ref

Saxena, M., Sarkar, S., & Roy, D. (2024). Inverse Hessian by stochastic projection and application to system identification in nonlinear mechanics of solids. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 104762. Ref

Kaithavalappil, A., & Sarkar, S. (2024). A derivative-free phase-field theory for capturing local buckling induced damage in architected plates. Thin-Walled Structures, 112068. Ref

Dutta, A., and Sarkar, S. (2024), Fluctuation theorem as a special case of Girsanov theorem. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 165001. Ref

Research Projects

SERB ECR project titled 'A peridynamics-like framework to predict failure of concrete structures' (Sole Investigator). 
SPARC project titled 'Safeguarding heritage structures using seismic metamaterials' (co-PI).

Recent NEWS

Looking for PhD student for joint supervision with Prof Joe Gattas from the University of Queensland. For more information click the link below:Development of efficient numerical tools for designing origami-based metamaterial
T Venkatesh Varma has successfully defended his PhD thesis. He is currently doing his postdoc at Technion Institute of Technology, Israel. 
Mukul Saxena has successfully defended his PhD thesis. He is currently doing his postdoc at IISc Bangalore.
8th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2022) organized at IIT Indore (December 2022).