Timo Sämann

Timo Sämann is a Software Engineer at Valeo within the Research Group for Automated Driving in Germany and specialized in visual perception with deep learning methods. He leads projects on the explainability and interpretation of deep neural networks and is doing his PhD at the Technical University of Ilmenau. His general interest relates to the transfer of academic research in the field of artificial intelligence to applications for automated driving.

Stefan Milz

Stefan Milz is Technical Lead and Team Lead at Valeo within the Research Group for Automated Driving in Germany, specialized in Machine Learning to solve important tasks, e.g. SLAM, Perception and Sensor Fusion. Stefan Milz has several ECCV and CVPR WS accepted submissions recently. He holds a PhD in Physics from Technical University of Munich.

Loren Schwarz

Loren Schwarz is a Principal Software Engineer for Autonomous Driving at BMW Group, specializing in AI and Machine Learning. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Technical University of Munich (TUM), where his research focused on vision-based human pose estimation and activity recognition

Markus Enzweiler

Markus Enzweiler received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 2011. Since 2010, he has been with Daimler Research & Development, Stuttgart, Germany. His current work focuses on scene understanding for self-driving cars. In 2012, he was awarded both the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Best PhD Dissertation Award and the Uni-DAS Research Award for his work on vision-based pedestrian recognition. He was part of the Daimler team that received the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Outstanding Application Award in 2014. Since 2014, he is a junior fellow of the German Informatics Society.

Oliver Wasenmüller

Oliver Wasenmüller is a team leader for “machine vision and autonomous vehicles” at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and holds a PhD in Computer Science. In his research team he supervises currently seven PhD students researching on the intersection of vision and AI. He is reviewer in many scientific conferences in this domain and co-organized the ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS).

Oliver Grau

Oliver Grau works for Intel Labs in Germany on topics of automated driving. He joined Intel as co-director of the Intel-Visual Computing Institute and he worked previously as a Lead Technologist for BBC R&D in London, UK on computer vision projects for innovative media production systems.

Peter Schlicht

Peter Schlicht studied mathematics with a minor in computer science in Göttingen and received his doctorate in mathematics from the University of Leipzig. After a two-year research stay at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL) in Lausanne Switzerland), he joined Volkswagen Group Research in 2016 as an AI architect. There he deals with research questions on artificial intelligence technologies for automatic driving. He is particularly interested in methods for monitoring, explaining and robotizing deep neural networks, as well as securing them.

Fabian Hüger

Fabian Hueger holds a Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering by University of Kassel. During a Fulbright Scholarship he received a M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of California Santa Barbara. He joined Volkswagen Group Research in 2010 and is currently performing research on AI technologies for automated driving.

Stefan Rüping

Stefan Rüping heads the Big Data Analytics business unit at Fraunhofer IAIS. He has many years of experience in consulting, industry and research projects as well as teaching. His research interests are machine learning, artificial intelligence and data mining. Stefan Rüping studied computer science at the Technical University of Dortmund, where he also worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Artificial Intelligence. In 2006, he received his doctorate in the field of machine learning on the subject of “Learning Interpretable Models”.

Joachim Sicking

Joachim Sicking is a data scientist and machine learning researcher at Fraunhofer IAIS with a background in physics. He is interested in methods of distributed machine learning and their application in the field of autonomous driving. Another focus of his work are ML projects in the context of industrial IoT with a focus on questions of failure prediction and production optimization.